[Tarzana CA, April 24, 2014] This Limited Edition
BACK TO THE STONE AGE novel was first printed in 1937 and is now being reprinted for the first time using the
Original Printing Plates! These plates were discovered stored in their original wooden shipping crates and are thought to be the only surviving set of plates for any of Mr. Burroughs’ books.
Each book is signed and numbered [edition of 300] and features spectacular full-color illustrations – stunning works by some of the best ERB artists past and present. In addition to BACK TO THE STONE AGE you will receive an original printing plate from the book!
BACK TO THE STONE AGE has been printed the same way ERB books were printed 50 years ago – only better. A master printer has used the original plates to letterpress print on premium paper which has been sewn and cased into a vintage-style binding, and covered in a dust jacket produced by Phil Normand with art by John Coleman Burroughs.
Each limited edition book is numbered individually and certified with six original signatures.
Each book also comes with a beautifully illustrated map of Pellucidar – inspired from several maps created over the last 50 years.

The book, dust jacket and the plate comes housed in a
custom clamshell presentation box.

For more information and to order this exciting set, see