Archaeologists in Cambodia find vast medieval cities under jungle

Posted on June 12, 2016

Angkor-Wat-008Edgar Rice Burroughs (r) is once again proven to be prescient with his novel “Land of The Hidden Men” also known as “Jungle Girl”. He knew the cities were there. It took scientists another 100 years to confirm it.

Researchers have discovered a vast network of hidden cities laying deep under the lush Cambodian jungle near the medieval mega-city of Angkor Wat, in “groundbreaking discoveries that promise to upend key assumptions about south-east Asia’s history,” the Guardian reported in an exclusive on Friday.

Read the full article at Yahoo News! Photograph: Heng Sinith/AP


Tarzan Mosaic unveiling

Posted on June 3, 2016

Edgar Rice Burroughs Presents
Tarzan Mosaic unveiling
at the Tarzana Community & Cultural Center

Thomas Yeates’ well known image, TARZAN AND THE GOLDEN LION, has been created in mosaic form [5′ diameter] and installed in the plaza of the Tarzana Community & Cultural Center.


The artist, Thomas Yeates, is a long-time favorite of all TARZAN fans. TARZAN AND THE GOLDEN LION is a modern version of the logo done by Roy G. Krenkel from 1966 that was originally modeled after the P. J. Monahan oil painting used on the front cover of Argosy Weekly Magazine Dec. 9 1922.

The mosaic itself was done by Vita Nova Luxury Mosaics located in Pacoima, California – 818-897-2432. Gali Rotstein was the mosaic artist – her detail and vision is wonderful and a faithful rendering of the Yeates art. Heidi L. Huber really moved it along with her energy and enthusiasm for the project.


City Councilman, Michael Blumenfield [left] and the Board of Directors of the TCCC.


[left to right] Jim Sullos (president), John Burroughs (grandson of ERB), Diane Furbeyre (John’s wife), Dejah Burroughs (great granddaughter of ERB), and Linda Burroughs (Grand daughter-in-law of ERB).


Diane Furbeyre, John Burroughs, Dejah Burroughs, and Linda Burroughs. 

Best Regards,

The Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Team
James Sullos | President | Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.


Tarzan Myth & Mystery at Brazos Valley Museum of Natural History, Jun 16-October 29

Posted on June 2, 2016

Tarzan Myth and Mystery 

The Brazos Valley Museum of Natural History proudly announces the premiere of its upcoming exhibition, TARZAN: Myth & Mystery,on display from June 16-Oct 29, 2016. This exhibition will open on Thursday, June 16th, at 6 pm, with a free public lecture by Edgar Rice Burroughs Bibliophile Jim Goodwin, followed by a wine & hors d’oeuvres reception & gallery viewing.

A reader and collector of Edgar Rice Burroughs for over 55 years, Goodwin will discuss the story behind Burroughs’ Tarzan tales, interesting Burroughs background and Tarzan trivia, and other fascinating anecdotes about Burroughs’ writing. A native Texan and a graduate of Stephen F. Austin University, Goodwin worked in the communications industry for 37 years. He is the co-founder of the Texas chapter of the Burroughs Bibliophiles, the “Hell’s Benders.” The name “Hell’s Benders” originated from Burroughs’ Western fiction novel, The Bandit of Hell’s Bend, featuring a character named Tex. Mr. Goodwin currently resides in Iowa Park, Texas with his wife, Rita, of 43 years and is blessed with two daughters and 4 grandchildren.

Jim Goodwin
This exclusive exhibit showcases items from an extensive collection of Tarzan and Edgar Rice Burroughs memorabilia. Early publications, beautiful original artwork, rare books, and rarely seen film posters will be shown alongside stunning taxidermy animals from central Africa. Through this colorful and exciting exhibit, visitors can explore the natural settings of the Tarzan books, the life of author Edgar Rice Burroughs, the bold world of pulp art, Tarzan’s international appeal, and other related topics.

The Brazos Valley Museum of Natural History is committed to promoting science, and cultural and natural history with the integration of art in exhibits and educational programs. This exhibit was made possible in part through Hotel Tax Revenue funded from the City of College Station through the Arts Council of Brazos Valley. The Museum partnered with Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., private collectors, Cushing Memorial Library and Archives, and the Anthropology Department at Texas A&M University to produce this outstanding display.

Visit the Official Website to Learn More!

TARZAN® and EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS® Trademarks are owned by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. and used by permission.
Tarzan photo by Ruben Olague, original oil by J. Allen St. John, Tarzan and the Golden Lion, ca. 1923.



Mars makes closest approach to Earth in 11 years on May 30

Posted on May 26, 2016

Mars AtmosphereA rare opportunity on the horizon!

Last Sunday morning, Mars reached opposition with the sun, meaning the Red Planet, Earth and the sun were all arrayed in a straight line. But the moment did not mark Mars’ closest approach to Earth.

This Monday evening (May 30) at 5:35 p.m. ET, Mars will be the closest it has been to Earth since Oct. 5, 2005: 0.50321377 astronomical units (AU), or 46,762,695 miles . (One AU is the average distance from Earth to the sun — about 93 million miles.)

Read the full article right here!


Tarzan Themed Stained Glass

Posted on May 17, 2016

Edgar Rice Burroughs® Presents
Tarzan Themed Stained Glass
and other Burroughs’ themes by artist Leia Barrett-Durham [Powell]

Once again, Edgar Rice Burroughs is making history. Internationally-renowned, award-winning stained glass master Leia Barrett-Durham (Powell) is the first stained glass artist in history to be licensed to make representations of an author’s published works. As a master craftswoman, she could have had her pick of the litter, but her love for Edgar Rice Burroughs inspired her to work with ERB, Inc.


 In celebration of the release of The Legend of Tarzan, Leia has created a unique stained glass window for ERB, Inc. to be auctioned off in Tarzana at the ECOF 2016. This window represents Tarzan, Jane, Tantor, Mangani, and Numa next to an African jungle stream. Tarzan is in the process of his iconic yell, with Jane steadfast by his side, while Numa looks directly at us, drinking from the stream but still ever vigilant for predators. Tantor playfully laps at the stream, and our ape looks at us with a critical eye, determining if we are also Mangani.

The Legend of Tarzan window [rough sketch above] will be the third licensed masterpiece window Leia has created with themes inspired by Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Worlds of Adventure – but it shall not be the last. This window [about 22 1/2″ tall and 28 1/2″ wide] is currently being created, but Leia tells us the image above is a good indicator of what the window will look like when finished. 

For those of you with tighter budgets, Leia has assured us that she is creating other smaller sun catchers and panels related to Tarzan, John Carter, Carson of Venus, The Eternal Savage, The Land That Time Forgot, and many more! Below is a sneak peek of what you’re in for.


Tarzan and the Moon (auctioned at ECOF 2014 to Brad Vinson)


Thuvia and the Banth (commissioned by Jim Thompson) Tars Tarkas Sun Catcher


ERB DooDad Sun Catcher Nu and Nat-ul Sun Catcher


Carson of Venus Rocket Ship Sun Catcher / Duare’s Sultry Gaze Sun Catcher

The following are working patterns of items that will be available at ECOF 2016:

tarzan-stained-glass-9 tarzan-stained-glass-10

John Carter, Dejah Thoris, and Woola Tarzan and Kerchak full-Nelson

tarzan-stained-glass-11 tarzan-stained-glass-12

Helium / Tarzan and the Moon

We look forward to seeing you at EOCF 2016! Please join us, but if you can’t you can contact Leia directly for quotes on commissioned licensed pieces on Facebook, or email her at

Best Regards,

The Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Team


Tarzan on the Precipice Book!

Posted on May 12, 2016

The missing link between Wisconsin and Africa
Tarzan on the Precipice

The second book in the series:
The Wild Adventures of Edgar Rice Burroughs®

Tarzan on the Precipice Book 1


At the conclusion of the classic TARZAN OF THE APES by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Tarzan is despondent but assured he did what was honorable by enabling Jane to leave with his cousin, William Clayton (who believes he is the rightful heir to the Greystoke estate and can appropriately provide for Jane when they marry). But what then? There has never been an explanation of Tarzan’s activities after his presence in Wisconsin and his voyage back to Africa – until now. 


Tarzan on the Precipice Book 2


Tarzan on the Precipice Book 3Thinking, time and again, that Tarzan’s demise is imminent, you will see he escapes only to encounter still more dangers with each episode building more suspense and anticipation. Tarzan’s discovery of a lost Viking civilization and the author’s description and explanation of it will bring you a clear picture of village life and the gruesome realities of their existence.

And while you may think this is a novel of pure fiction, archaeologists are continuing to discover new Viking sites in North America. Just recently, satellite technology has revealed intriguing evidence of a second Norse settlement in North America, further south than ever before known. A new Canadian site was discovered after infrared images from 400 miles in space showed possible man-made impressions under layers of vegetation with telltale signs of iron working. And now you will have the opportunity, while joining Tarzan, to unearth and experience this new discovery.

Of course, TARZAN ON THE PRECIPICE has a double meaning. He is indeed chained with his life hanging in the balance on the precipice of a volcanic crater, but he is also on the precipice of the rest of his life, not knowing his future, abandoning his right of birth as an English Lord and bereft of the thing in life he cherishes most, Jane. All that is left for him now is Africa, which is at least known to him. Enjoy this tale and join Tarzan on his Canadian adventure as he prepares to return to Africa and a future even he cannot predict.

Buy Today!

Best Regards,

The Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Team
James Sullos | President | Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.


Atomic Oxygen on Mars!

Posted on May 12, 2016

Mars AtmosphereAnd so the Martian Aliens theories can continue…


A specially-equipped 747 has detected atomic oxygen in Mars’ upper atmosphere, NASA reported, marking the first time that the space agency has made that observation in four decades.

The California-based NASA plane that made the measurements is called the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, or SOFIA. NASA reports that using an instrument on board the plane, they found the atomic oxygen in the planet’s mesosphere, which is its upper atmosphere— but only saw about half of what they thought they would.


Read the full article at Fox News!


New Comic Subscription Launch: I Am a Barbarian

Posted on April 10, 2016

barbarian1 barbarian2

Edgar Rice Burroughs Presents
I Am a Barbarian
an all new web comic in our subscription lineup

Someday, I will have my revenge. Someday, I will kill Caesar.
This historical tale is a rather free translation of the memoirs of Britannicus – Caligula’s slave for 25 years. Caligula, emperor of Rome from AD 37 to 41, was historically known for being insane. This story contains numerous facets of Caligula’s life, including his popular early acts as emperor and then his descent into madness. 


I Am A Barbarian is a historical novel written by Edgar Rice Burroughs in 1941. The only other historical novel penned by Mr. Burroughs – The Master of Adventure – was The Outlaw of Torn which was set in King Henry III’s England and was the second novel he wrote in his fledgling career. Mr. Burroughs wrote his classic, Tarzan of The Apes, just after The Outlaw of Torn.

Britannicus, the arrogant son of a defiant chief in far-off Britain, was just another young barbarian to the haughty Romans who enslaved him. Britannicus’ mother and father were also enslaved by the Romans and he was never able to speak to them again. Britannicus becomes the personal slave of Emperor Caligula’s nephew. In the decadence of Imperial Rome, Britannicus faced death time and again, in the gladiatorial arena, in chariot races, in the twisted hearts of Palaces, and always at the hand of his master, mad Caligula – the bloodiest Roman of them all. 


Britannicus watches as Caligula falsely accuses, fines, and even kills, individuals in order to seize their estates during a financial crisis caused by his own wasteful spending. In order to gain funds, Caligula asks the public to lend the state money; he levies taxes on lawsuits, marriage and prostitution; and begins auctioning the lives of the gladiators at his shows. Once, when Caligula was bored, he ordered his guards to throw scores of people into the arena to be eaten by lions because there were no more criminals to be thrown in the ring.

Only the imagination of Edgar Rice Burroughs could have reincarnated the chariot races, the intrigues, the people, and the sights and sounds of long-dead Imperial Rome. And now the brilliant team of writer Tom Simmons, artist Mike Dubisch, and letterer Jamal Walton brings this larger than life tale – with its vivid story, art and period authenticity – to life in this new Comic Strip. 

Don’t miss it! Subscribe to our new web comic strip, and be thoroughly entertained by the twisting adventure that only Edgar Rice Burroughs can create.

Best Regards,
The Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Team


WRITER Tom Simmons

“In mid-1941 – with personal health issues mounting and the world once again at war – Edgar Rice Burroughs penned I Am a Barbarian, his second and final historical novel.  The story is dark and decidedly un-Burroughs like, which make adapting it to action/adventure strip format a challenge I’m very excited about,” says screenwriter and graphic novelist Tom Simmons of his latest writing gig. In addition to adaptations for the online strips The Monster Men and The Outlaw of Torn, Tom has several screenplays and graphic novels in progress. “It’s a pleasure to be working with Lovecraft-Award winning artist Mike Dubisch on this effort, as well as with Jamal Walton on yet another ERB, Inc. project.

ARTIST Mike Dubisch

Internationally known fantasy illustrator and graphic novelist Mike Dubisch has his roots in golden age horror comics and pulp Science Fiction. His art has been used in toy design and illustration for Star Wars, The Wheel of Time, and Dungeons and Dragons role playing games, covers for Aliens VS Predator, and graphic adaptations of The Boxcar Children and other children’s literature. His work has appeared inScience Fiction Age, Realms of Fantasy, Weird Tales and the H. P. Lovecraft Magazine of Horror.

“I was huge reader of Burroughs at a young age,  drawn to Tarzan’s jungle adventures amongst the apes, a counterpoint to my obsession with King Kong and giant monsters. Later, John Carter’s fantastic adventures enthralled me at the same time as I discovered the great illustrators and comic artists who ended up shaping my artistic vision.”

Mike is an instructor at the Academy of Art University in San Fransisco. He also creates fine art, prints, and experimental films exploring H. P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos. Mike lives in Phoenix, Arizona with his wife, Carolyn, and three daughters.

LETTERER Jamal Walton

L Jamal Walton is a web and graphic designer, illustrator, colorist, and letterer currently based in Durham, NC. He has worked on projects big and small: Fist of Justice; Once Upon A Time Machine, Masters of the Universe; and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, to name a few.

More recently, Jamal has focused more of his time working on his own comic creations: Warmageddon; Ungoodwise; and Captain Evil & Diabla.  He is always looking for opportunities to display his art at art exhibits and conventions, and to share his experience and skills in the craft of making comics via camps and workshops.

Please visit Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Comic Subscription page

See the all our Comic Strip Samples

As with all the series featured at, the first four episodes will be available at no charge. Fans can gain unlimited access to the entire site and all the strips from the beginning for only $1.99 per month or $21.99 per year.

About the Edgar Rice Burroughs Digital Comic Strips Service

Regularly updated and expertly curated, the Edgar Rice Burroughs Digital Comic Strips service offers all new web comic adventures based on the classic characters and stories of Edgar Rice Burroughs. Current offerings include:

THE LAD AND THE LION™ by Martin Powell, Tomas M. Aranda, Oscar H. Gonzalez
THE GIRL FROM HOLLYWOOD™ by Charles Santino and Joel Zain Rivers
THE OUTLAW OF TORN™ by Tom Simmons, Jake Bilbao and L Jamal Walton
JUNGLE GIRL™ by Martin Powell, Will Meugniot and Jo Meugniot
THE LOST CONTINENT™ by Martin Powell and Oscar Gonzalez
THE MONSTER MEN™ by Tom Simmons, Erik Roman, L Jamal Walton and Cristian Docolomansky
JOHN CARTER WARLORD OF MARS™ by Roy Thomas, Pegaso, Salvador López, Carolina Sánchez, Guadalupe Rivera and Olivia Peña
KORAK THE KILLER (TM) by Ron Marz, Rick Leonardi, Neeraj Menon and Troy Peteri
THE MUCKER (TM) by Ron Marz, Lee Moder, Troy Peteri and Neeraj Menon
TARZAN OF THE APES (TM) by Roy Thomas and Tom Grindberg
THE NEW ADVENTURES OF TARZAN (TM) by Roy Thomas and Tom Grindberg
CARSON OF VENUS (TM) by Martin Powell, Thomas Floyd, and Diana Leto
THE ETERNAL SAVAGE (TM) by Martin Powell and Steven E. Gordon
THE WAR CHIEF(TM) by Martin Powell and Nik Poliwko
THE CAVE GIRL (TM) by Martin Powell and Diana Leto (A Bi-Weekly)
PELLUCIDAR (TM) by Chuck Dixion and Tom Lyle
THE LAND THAT TIME FORGOT (TM) by Martin Powell, Pablo Marcos and Oscar Gonzalez



The Lad and the Lion

Posted on March 13, 2016


An all new web comic in our subscription lineup

Plotters moved toward the assassination of an old King and his grandson and heir, Michael, in a remote European Kingdom. But the old Monarch was wise and saw what was coming. Before he was killed, the King arranged for Prince Michael to be spirited away on a ship. But, there was a shipwreck and the injured Prince is swept overboard. Climbing aboard an empty lifeboat, with his memory gone, the Prince is rescued by a mad, epileptic old man piloting a tramp steamer. Also aboard – a caged lion. For years the old man kept them prisoner on his ship – beating the Prince and torturing the lion.


The Lad and the Lion, written in 1914, is an adventure story by Edgar Rice Burroughs®. The story was first published as a three-part serial in the All-Story Weekly. The Lad and the Lion is also the first story by ERB to be adapted to film – a five-reel, black and white, silent movie released in 1917. As of now, this film is officially missing from any archive. Do you have a copy? The Lad and the Lion didn’t appear in book form until the film was remade as The Lion Man in 1937 – 20 years later. The Lad and the Lion was also the first book edition published by ERB’s own publishing firm, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.

Meanwhile, on the ship, Michael befriends the lion and they eventually break free as the lion pays his tormentor back, in the ultimate way, for the years of mistreatment. Michael and the lion eventually land ashore on the Northern African coast, where they live and hunt together in the wild, at the margins of the jungle and the desert. Encountering a band of Arabs, Michael meets and falls in love with Nakhla, an Arab princess, but her father does everything he can to keep them apart.


Prince Otto – the King’s brother and one of the conspirators who murdered the King – becomes King. But he and his son are disliked by the people. Jealousy and wealth intersect in the Kingdom as power plays and marriages of convenience are the norm – where no real love exists for any of the conspirators who have seized power.

The day comes when Michael regains his memory and realizes who he is. Will he announce his survival – taking his rightful place on the throne of his Kingdom? Subscribe to our new web comic strip, and be thoroughly entertained by the twisting adventure that only Edgar Rice Burroughs can create.

Best Regards,
The Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Team


WRITER Martin Powell

Martin Powell has been a professional writer since 1986, having written hundreds of stories in numerous genres, for Disney, Marvel, DC, and Sequential Pulp/Dark Horse Comics, among others. Nominated for the prestigious Eisner Award for his work with Sherlock Holmes, he has written for some of the most popular characters in the industry, including Superman, Batman, Popeye the Sailor, and Tarzan of the Apes. He’s also the author of many children’s books and is co-creator of the acclaimed Halloween Legion, with illustrator Diana Leto. Powell’s The Tall Tale of Paul Bunyan won the coveted Moonbeam Children’s Book Award for Best Graphic Novel of 2010.

ARTIST Tomas M. Aranda

Tomas M. Aranda studied at the School of Art in Huesca, Spain in the specialty of Graphic Design. He finished his studies in Barcelona at the Comin in the Joso School. He found his passion for and dedication in the development of comics. Thomas is a teacher of Comic and Manga in Joso Comic School. He has done drawings for television pages, covers and cartoons; short stories for erotic magazines for Editorial Megamultimedia; artist for Comicon Agency, Plano International, Dude Comics; inking of Conan The Conqueror for Marvel Italy; comics on line with animation in flash for Wanadoo Comics; pencils and inks for illustrations for MTJ Publishing; several files for game characters for New Fantasy Games; concepts and storyboards for TV spots for Saatchi & Saatchi; artist in short story for anthology for “Once Upon a Time Machine” for Dark Horse Comics; and many, many more.

LETTERER Oscar H. Gonzalez

Oscar Humberto González Montoya was born in Colombia, South America. After graduating from a technical industrial high school he became very interested in the comic book field thanks to a few comic books from Image Comics, D.C and Marvel that he found in a small magazine store. In Oscar’s country there are no comic book stores. You may find a couple of comics here and there but they are pricey.

In 2013, he met Pablo Marcos, a renowned comic book artist, who has been a role model, a teacher and tutor in drawing and comics illustrations. Mr. Marcos has been sharing his knowledge with Oscar and Oscar in turn shows him digital coloring at Pablo’s studio. Oscar considers the encounter with Pablo Marcos the opportunity of a lifetime. He feels honored with his support. Pablo first asked Oscar to color some of his personal art then introduced him to the company Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. to color the series Pablo is working on today.

See the all our Comic Strip Samples

As with all the series featured at, the first four episodes will be available at no charge. Fans can gain unlimited access to the entire site and all the strips from the beginning for only $1.99 per month or $21.99 per year.

About the Edgar Rice Burroughs Digital Comic Strips Service

Regularly updated and expertly curated, the Edgar Rice Burroughs Digital Comic Strips service offers all new web comic adventures based on the classic characters and stories of Edgar Rice Burroughs. Current offerings include:

THE LAD AND THE LION™ by Martin Powell, Tomas M. Aranda, Oscar H. Gonzalez
THE GIRL FROM HOLLYWOOD™ by Charles Santino and Joel Zain Rivers
THE OUTLAW OF TORN™ by Tom Simmons, Jake Bilbao and L Jamal Walton
JUNGLE GIRL™ by Martin Powell, Will Meugniot and Jo Meugniot
THE LOST CONTINENT™ by Martin Powell and Oscar Gonzalez
THE MONSTER MEN™ by Tom Simmons, Erik Roman, L Jamal Walton and Cristian Docolomansky
JOHN CARTER WARLORD OF MARS™ by Roy Thomas, Pegaso, Salvador López, Carolina Sánchez, Guadalupe Rivera and Olivia Peña
KORAK THE KILLER (TM) by Ron Marz, Rick Leonardi, Neeraj Menon and Troy Peteri
THE MUCKER (TM) by Ron Marz, Lee Moder, Troy Peteri and Neeraj Menon
TARZAN OF THE APES (TM) by Roy Thomas and Tom Grindberg
THE NEW ADVENTURES OF TARZAN (TM) by Roy Thomas and Tom Grindberg
CARSON OF VENUS (TM) by Martin Powell, Thomas Floyd, and Diana Leto
THE ETERNAL SAVAGE (TM) by Martin Powell and Steven E. Gordon
THE WAR CHIEF(TM) by Martin Powell and Nik Poliwko
THE CAVE GIRL (TM) by Martin Powell and Diana Leto (A Bi-Weekly)
PELLUCIDAR (TM) by Chuck Dixion and Tom Lyle
THE LAND THAT TIME FORGOT (TM) by Martin Powell, Pablo Marcos and Oscar Gonzalez
