‘Tarzan’ Ron Ely puts Santa Barbara hangout up for sale

Posted on December 7, 2015

'Tarzan' Ron Ely puts Santa Barbara hangout up for saleA real Steal!

Ron Ely of TV “Tarzan” fame has listed his own little piece of the jungle for sale in Santa Barbara at $5.195 million.

Secreted behind two sets of gates, the 1.5-acre estate has been the actor’s home for nearly three decades. The flat lot is studded with mature trees and palms and contains the main house, a one-bedroom guesthouse, a blue-surface tennis court and a 20-foot-by-50-foot tiled swimming pool.

Read the full article at LA Times.

Photo Courtesy of Thomas Ploch | Inset: Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images


PAPERBACK PARADE: The Magazine For Paperback Readers And Collectors!

Posted on December 2, 2015

Richard Greene PAPERBACK PARADE: The Magazine For Paperback Readers And Collectors! As posted by Richard Greene on Facebook:

Great tribute to Frazetta paperback covers including many Burroughs covers in Issue #91, The latest issue of PAPERBACK PARADE: The Magazine For Paperback Readers And Collectors! Hot off the press!

Edited by Gary Lovisi. Designed by Richard Greene. Published by Gryphon Books, Post Office Box 208209, Brooklyn, New York, 11228-0209, U.S.A., at $15 per copy. Subscriptions: 3 issues for $40 First Class Mail; All other International: 3 issues for $65 First Class Mail. Limited copies of back issues are available at $15 each + postage, please email Gary Lovisi at: gryphonbooks@att.net. Ad rates & specs available on request.




An Intern Saved a Museum by Finding This Revolutionary War Treasure in the Attic

Posted on December 2, 2015



Once in a very long while, a rare book or manuscript discovery is so remarkable that it makes national headlines.  In 1988, for instance, an anonymous Massachusetts collector recovered an 1827 first edition of Edgar Allan Poe’s Tamerlane from a roadside barn. Many will also recall the 1989 story of the man who found an original broadside copy of the Declaration of Independence hidden inside a picture frame that he bought at a Pennsylvania flea market for $4 (and later sold at Sotheby’s for $2.4 million). Or the discovery of the manuscript of Lincoln’s last address found in a secret compartment of an antique table in 1984 (and later purchased by Malcolm Forbes for $231,000). Yet another “believe it or not” tale is that of the Nashville man who paid $2.50 at a thrift store in 2006 for what he thought was a worthless facsimile of the Declaration of Independence that turned out to be a rare, unrecorded copy of an 1820 print. He sold it for nearly $500,000.

Read the full story Right Here!

(Manuscript Courtesy of Morris-Jumel Mansion)


Mars is getting a bit crowded!

Posted on December 1, 2015

Mysterious cloudlike plumes bursting from MarsDailyMail reports on (yet another) strange Dome found on Mars:

There’s a set of UFO hunters who are convinced that Nasa is covering up the remains of an ancient civilisation on Mars.

In the hope of backing up their bizarre theory, they’ve spotted what they believe to be everything from military bunkers to coffins on the red planet.

Their latest ‘sighting’ of a rock by the Opportunity rover described as a ‘man-made dome’ that they say was left behind by an alien race sometime during Mars’ watery past.

Read more Right Here!


Mars May One Day Have A Ring System Like Saturn

Posted on November 23, 2015

mars with water

Interesting news from IFL Science:

Phobos is getting closer and closer to Mars, and it’s liking the fall so much that it might just put a ring on it. Astronomers think that in 20 to 40 million years, Phobos will break apart, giving the Red Planet a ring comparable with the outer planets of the Solar System.

According to the research, published this week in Nature Geoscience, Phobos is being pulled apart by Mars’ gravity. The closer it gets to the Red Planet, the more intense these forces will be. If the moon breaks apart before it enters the Martian atmosphere, it would create a long-lived ring system, capable of remaining stable for millions of years.

Read the full story Right Here!


Beginning of ERB’s Planet of Poloda

Posted on November 23, 2015

The beginning of ERB’s Planet of Poloda that created his sci fi thriller BEYOND THE FARTHEST STAR.


I can appreciate, in a small way, the swell time God had in creating the universe.
Burroughs’ letter to Prof. J. S. Donaghho, November 23, 1940

Thus, seventy-five years ago today, did Burroughs conclude a brief but fascinating correspondence Prof. Donaghho, an astronomer at the College of Hawaii regarding the science of the author’s new creation, a distant solar system for BEYOND THE FARTHEST STAR. This is how Irwin Porges introduces it in his ERB biography.

Apparently feeling too confined in the worlds of Mars, Venus, and Pellucidar, Burroughs envisioned an entire new solar system as a setting for an adventurer from the earth. With his novelette “Beyond the Farthest Star” almost finished—it was again designed to launch a three- or four-part series—he became aware of a number of astronomical problems and sought the advice of an expert. On November 1, 1940, he began a correspondence with Professor J. S. Donoghho, also living in Honolulu, obtaining his name from a friend, Dr. Livesay. Ed wrote, “The problem is in relation to one of those very profound classics which I have been inflicting on a very tolerant world for a quarter of a century,” and explained the nature of his enclosed pencil sketch: “…a diagram of an imaginary solar system consisting of a small sun and eleven equally spaced planets. An atmosphere belt rotates about the sun at the same speed as the planets.”

To Donoghho he posed four questions concerning the orbits of the planets, their visibility at night and day, the type of ocean tides that might be produced on a certain planet, and the particular visibility to the other planets of a “sphere” about eight thousand miles in diameter. (Porges, p. 669)

Donaghho proved quite helpful to Burroughs in most respects but not quite all: the atmospheric belt would most assuredly not, in the professor’s words, “stay put.” Porges goes on to wrap up his story of their exchanges.

In the final letter of correspondence, on November 23 Ed wrote, “You have proven yourself a real benefactor to the human race of Poloda (Planet P) by lowering the tides so as to permit ocean navigation.” However, the atmospheric problem had not been solved, and Ed commented jokingly, “In the little matter of the atmosphere belt, there are two schools of thought on Poloda: One adheres to the Donaghhoan theory, while the other, hopefully anticipating inter-planetary navigation, clings stubbornly to the Borroughsian theory.” Concerning the fun Donaghho had found in the queries, Ed stated, “I find fun in the imaginings which prompt them; and I can appreciate, in a small way, the swell time God had in creating the universe.” (Porges, pp. 670-1)


“Planetary System of Omos” and “Poloda,” from the Canaveral Press book, TALES OF THREE PLANETS (1964)

Frank Frazetta cover art for the 1964 and 1969 Ace editions of BEYOND THE FARTHEST STAR

Posted by Edgar Rice Burroughs Fan on Facebook!


Animated Lion

Posted on November 23, 2015

Beautiful picture shared by Bill Hillman on Facebook. Wish we knew the original author!
