Dum Dum is the annual meeting of the Burroughs Biibliophiles, the ERB Fan Club organized in 1960 as a non-profit charitable organization to further the writings and legacy of ERB. The name comes from the meeting call of the apes in the jungle who would pound the earth: dum dum, dum dum
Hosted by Brad and Pat Vinson
Location: LaSalle hotel in downtown Bryan, Texas
* LaSalle is a recently restored 100-year-old hotel with good free parking
* Large basement room for displays
* Bryan First Friday Celebrations:
diversity of foods as well as live music, and art galleries and shops in a 3 block area.
* Vinson barbecue on Saturday with viewing of the Vinson art collection
* Texas A & M University in College Station is five miles away
* Bush Library is 20 minutes away
* Star of Texas Museum (where Texas declared independence from Mexico) is 40 minutes away
* Guests of Honour and other events will be announced later
Room rates and other activities will be determined by the number
of registrants.
If you plan to attend, please contact Brad Vinson:
To register at the LaSalle Hotel, 120 S. Main St. Bryan, TX
for the $90 special rate you need to call 979-822-2000
and mention DumDum to get this rate as long as rooms are available
but only by June 30.
4-6 pm:
* Registration at the LaSalle Hotel, 120 S. Main St. Bryan – hotel lobby
* Cost is $45 for registrants and $15 for spouse (barbeque).
* To receive registration packet please pay Brad Vinson, 921 N. Rosemary Dr. Bryan 77802.
* Tables are included in the registration fee.
6:00 pm: Greet and meet in hotel restaurant to decide to eat there or visit other dining choices. Information will be in registration packet.
8:30: Burroughs Bibliophile Board meeting in the board room located in the basement of the hotel.
* Set up for the Huckster room is at the same location (adjoining room) and can be done at this time.
* Procedure is to get the key from the front desk and return it there. Future meeting sites will be given.
FRIDAY: August 1
* Hot breakfast served until 9am
9:00 am: Huckster room opens for business 9-5 (closed at noon hour) Setup can be done earlier that morning.
* Opening presentation by Buddy Saunders about the new ERB book/Buddy Saunders book, “The Martian Legions: The Quest for Xonthron”, published by Russ Cochran.
12 noon: Closed for lunch Visit art galleries
1:15 reopen
1:30: Presentation of “The Passing of My Pal Bill” of ERB’s western poem from The Bandit of Helll’s Bend.
4:00: Auction benefiting Burroughs Bibliophiles.
5:30/6:00: Dinner on your own
SATURDAY: August 2
9:00 am: Hot breakfast buffet closes
9:30: Leave for Texas A&M campus.
* We have scheduled a visit to the Science Fiction and Fantasy Research Collection at Cushing Memorial Library and Archives.
* Larry Mitchell, the director will open especially for our group. Jeremy Brett will do the tour. An extensive exhibit on World War I can be seen in the lobby and 2nd floor.
* Lunch on your own- on campus/ recommend the many restaurants along University Dr. E afterwards
2:00: Visit Brad’s collection-directions given that morning with transportation arranged.
5:00: Texas barbeque at the home of Brad and Pat Vinson. Seating for 42+.
SUNDAY: August 3
* Farewell breakfast- LaSalle breakfast buffet