Joe Jusko Cover Reveal: THE CHESSMEN OF MARS,
Plus Barsoom 1–3 Shipping Update

We are thrilled to unveil the cover art by legendary artist Joe Jusko for our upcoming Edgar Rice Burroughs Authorized Library edition of The Chessmen of Mars!

The Chessmen of Mars is available in a standard edition as well as a Joe Jusko Legend Edition with virgin cover art, a special bookplate signed by Joe Jusko, and a collectible trading card.

Buy Both Books and Get 15% Off!*

For a limited time, buy the standard hardcover editions of both Thuvia, Maid of Mars and The Chessmen of Mars and get 15% off! Just click here to take advantage of this special offer.

* This special discount does not apply to the Joe Jusko Legend Editions.

How to Purchase the Joe Jusko Legend Editions:

To purchase the Joe Jusko Legend Editions, simply visit the product page for each book (Thuvia, Maid of Mars and The Chessmen of Mars), under “Format” select the option for “Hardcover Joe Jusko Legend Edition” from the drop-down menu, and add the item to your cart.

Volumes 4 and 5 of the Barsoom Saga are expected to ship Spring 2025.

Barsoom 1–3 Shipping Update

While we began shipping out preorders for Barsoom volumes #1–3 (A Princess of Mars, The Gods of Mars, and The Warlord of Mars) back in November, we soon discovered that we had received a large number of imperfect copies from our printer that were not up to our standards. Thus we were able to ship only about two-thirds of the preorders before we ran out of copies. Of course, we immediately requested replacement copies, but due to the rush of the holiday season, our printer has taken longer than we had hoped to get us the new books. The good news is we should have the three books back in stock next week and will then begin shipping them out to the remaining customers who preordered them. Thank you for your patience!

© Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Trademarks Edgar Rice Burroughs®, Edgar Rice Burroughs Authorized Library™, ERB Authorized Library™, John Carter®, John Carter of Mars®, Dejah Thoris®, Carthoris™, Tara of Helium™, A Princess of Mars®, Gods of Mars®. Warlord of Mars®, and Barsoom® owned by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Associated logos, characters, names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks or registered trademarks of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.
