Tarzan of the Apes
Lord of the Jungle

Tarzan is the son of a British Lord and Lady who were marooned on the West coast of Africa by mutineers.When Tarzan was a year old, his mother died of natural causes,and his father was killed by Kerchak, leader of the ape tribe into which...
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John Carter of Mars

Edgar Rice Burroughs started writing his Martian adventures in 1911. Even though science claims there is no life on Mars his stories remain vibrant and timeless tales, because Burroughs knew the appeal and power of the Martian myth...
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Carson of Venus

Covered by clouds and shrouded in mystery, the planet Venus was the last place Carson Napier (a somewhat more cautious hero than John Carter), expected touch down when he launched his secret rocketship to Mars. But...
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At the Earth's Core

David Innes and Abner Perry build a giant mechanical prospector with which they hope to uncover vast mineral David Innes and Abner Perry build a giant mechanical prospector with which they hope to uncover vast mineral deposits far beneath...
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The Land that Time Forgot

Bowen Tyler's fabulous adventure began with a terror-haunted trip as a captive in an enemy submarine-only to end on the rocky shores of a monster-ridden lost world where time had stopped. Thus begins one of the...
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Red Hawk vs. The Moon Men

Through the treason of a handful of men, contact between earth and the moon had become a nightmare. The world became the tool of the Lunarians, whose plundering and cruelty reduced thriving nations to poverty...
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Billy Burne, The Mucker

Spawned by the slum jungles of Chicago, Billy Byrne was a vicious animal - ruthless, powerful and blood thirsty. Before long, his natural ability for finding trouble left him shipwrecked in a Far East jungle where he was free to unleash the savage...
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War Chief, The Apache Devil

THE WAR CHIEF is a realistic historical novel about life and death on an Apache reservation during the final years of the Apache wars until the death of Cochise and the surrender of Geronimo. The story focuses on Andy MacDuff, an...
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Western Novels

The Bandit of Hell's Bend (1925) was Edgar Rice Burroughs' first novel about the West. It is an authentic picture of Arizona ranch life in the 1880's, including a full gallery of colorful and often comic characters. The story centers around a...
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Additional Stories of Adventure, Mystery, Romance and Jane
Although Edgar Rice Burroughs is best known as the creator of the classic Tarzan of the Apes, his restless imagination knew no bounds. During a prolific wrting career that began in 1911, Burroughs' pen ranged from the American West to primitive Africa and on to romantic
adventure on the moon, the planets and even Beyond The Farthest Star. Still it is not at all surprising that the author who created the monumental Tarzan...
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