New Artist for The Tarzan Twins

Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. is Proud to Introduce

Fabian Tuñon Benzo

New artist for The Tarzan Twins™ team

Tuñon Benzo’s first influence was an uncle teaching him to read and write with the Sunday Tarzan comics in the local newspaper, El Tiempo, in his native city, Cartagena, in Columbia. Tuñon lets himself go and get into that magical universe of comics and is now a committed comic artist for life despite having worked as a painter in collective and individual exhibitions and a graphic designer working for several advertising agencies in Cartagena. 

Tuñon studied with Modern Schools, Inc. and at a school for fine arts. He has worked on: The New Futbol of Colombia; John Paul II the Traveling Pope; Joaquin Gutierrez Pride of Colombia; Simon Bolivar the Liberator; Mompox Valerosa City and Benemerita of the Motherland; Literary Cart, and Citizen Security. Colombian Amercian Actress, Paula Garces, hired Fabian to work on her very popular comic book titled “The World of Aluna.” Other publications he has worked on include: History of Boxing; Calarca; Galaxtica; History of Jesus (El Universal newspaper); and collaborates with Graphic Jokes for the newspaper FreedomCartagena de Indias, Pambele, Diomedes Diaz, Simon Bolivar, Jokes (The Sun newspaper). See his website at 

Maggie López (Colorist on Carson of Venus) will be the new Colorist and Letterer for The Tarzan Twins

Maggie is a 21-year-old from Asunción-Paraguay. She is a Graphic Design student as well as a rising artist with a big interest in the comic and animation industry. See her work on Carson of Venus beginning at #121 – out today.






See the first 4 strips of our entire lineup of Edgar Rice Burroughs Comic Adventures, FREE.


Wild Adventures T-Shirts featuring Carson of Venus and other ERB favorites

Tees featuring your favorite Edgar Rice Burroughs character from Tarzan® to Korak to John Carter of Mars to The Lad and the Lion to Carson of Venus and many more are available in our online store. Images are from our Comic Strip Subscription stories which are created by well known writers and artists. See our ERB store for all the Edgar Rice Burroughs® Comic Strip TEES. You can also visit our Amazon Store for additional items, such as sweatshirts, that are not yet in our store. 


Best Regards,
The Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Team
James Sullos / President  |  Cathy Wilbanks / VP-Ops
Tyler Wilbanks / Director of Publications  |  Tracy Griffin / Director of Special Projects
PO Box 570277 Tarzana CA 91357 | 818.344.0181
See All of Our Comic Strips

Trademarks: Edgar Rice Burroughs® / Tarzan® / Tarzan of the Apes™ / The New Adventures of Tarzan™ / Tarzan and Jane® / Lord of The Jungle® / John Carter® / John Carter of Mars® / John Carter Warlord of Mars® / Carson of Venus ™ / The Eternal Savage™ / The War Chief™ / The Cave Girl™ / Pellucidar™ / The Land that Time Forgot™ / The Mucker™ / The Monster Men™ / Korak The Killer™ / The Lost Continent™ /  Jungle Girl™ / The Outlaw of Torn™ / The Girl from Hollywood™ / The Lad and the Lion™ / I Am A Barbarian™ / The Mad King™ / The Tarzan Twins™ / The Moon Men™ / The Girl From Farris’s™ / Pirate  Blood™ / The Man-Eater™ / Inspector Muldoon™ / Beyond the Farthest Star™ – all owned by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.


Kindle Version of Tarzan and the Revolution now available. New Wild Adventures of Edgar Rice Burroughs Series #8

Now available on KINDLE – ERB Wild Adventure Novel #8

Tarzan and the Revolution

Written by Thomas Zachek / Art by Mike Grell


Midwestern Peace Corps volunteer, could hardly have known that his mission to help an African village would embroil him and his colleagues in the political struggles of an emerging African nation.

The people of central Africa likewise had no idea how quickly their expectations for freedom could be taken away when a ruthless dictator seizes power.

And Tarzan of the Apes had no idea that before long, he would be compelled, once again, to undertake a long and perilous journey with the Waziri to save their families.

Set against a backdrop of political unrest in modern Africa, Thomas Zachek’s latest page-turner takes the reader from the dank treasure troves of the lost city of Opar to turmoil in the city streets as Tarzan battles one of his most ruthless foes!



Thomas Zachek grew up on Tarzan movies and, to a lesser extent, the comics. He became hooked on the real Tarzan in high school after picking up a new Ace paperback edition of Tarzan and the Lost Empire for fifty cents–the one with the Frank Frazetta cover with Tarzan hanging from a limb on a cliff overlooking the Roman city. Thomas went on to collect the entire series of Ace and Ballantine paperback reissues of Burroughs’ Tarzan tales (he still has them).

Thomas discovered that Burroughs’ stories were quite unlike the family-friendly Tarzan of the movies, with Johnny Weismuller as the hulking hero living for some reason in the jungle with a classy, aristocratic Jane. No, Burroughs’ hero was actually a British lord who spoke educated English and had a fascinating backstory. Thomas was impressed with the superior level of development and action in these tales.

Nearly forty years passed, wherein most of the writing Thomas did was lesson plans, plus the occasional letter to the editor and a series of columns for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. He attempted writing his first Tarzan tale in 2005 as something of a lark, and then followed it, to date, with six more Tarzan tales. Friends encouraged Thomas to try to get the stories published. Thomas tells us he is grateful to Jim Sullos of ERB, Inc., for giving him the chance. The first three were published in 2016 in a volume entitled Tarzan Trilogy. Thomas notes, “This is my fourth tale. I have tried to craft realistic, page-turning adventure tales featuring classic Tarzan elements while at the same time taking the character in directions that have not been done in Tarzan stories before.”

We invite you to share your thoughts and comments with Thomas


Mike Grell is a legendary, award-winning artist who has worked on many titles including Legion of Super-heroes, Green Arrow and Green Lantern. Plus, he has created numerous titles of his own, including Starslayer, Shaman’s Tears, Bar Sinister, Maggie The Cat, Warlord and Jon Sable, Freelance. Mike wrote and drew the Tarzan comic strip from July 1981 to February 1983.




Tarzan Wild Adventures T-ShirtsTees featuring your favorite Edgar Rice Burroughs character from Tarzan® to Korak to John Carter of Mars to The Lad and the Lion to Carson of Venus and many more are available in our online store. Images are from our Comic Strip Subscription stories which are created by well known writers and artists. See our ERB store for all the Edgar Rice Burroughs® Comic Strip TEES. Also you can visit our Amazon Store for additional items such as sweatshirts and new Tee designs. 


See other books in the Wild Adventures series


Best Regards,
The Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Team
James Sullos / President  
Cathy Wilbanks / VP-Ops
Tyler Wilbanks / Director of Publications
Tracy Griffin / Director of Special Projects
PO Box 570277 Tarzana CA 91357 | 818.344.0181

Trademarks: Edgar Rice Burroughs® / The Wild Adventures of Edgar Rice Burroughs book series: #1 Tarzan: Return to Pal-ul-don™; #2 Tarzan On the Precipice™; #3 Tarzan Trilogy™; #4 Tarzan: The Greystoke Legacy Under Siege™; #5 A Soldier of Poloda [Further Adventures Beyond the Farthest Star]™; #6 Swords Against the Moon Men™; #7 Untamed Pellucidar™; #8 Tarzan and the Revolution™ – all owned by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.

All story titles and content in the Wild Adventure Series are copyright ©Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. All Rights Reserved.



Fall Book Sale

Save 25% or $14.96 OFF
Now only $44.95 
[regularly $59.85]

When you choose any 3 of the 6 selected books in 
The Wild Adventures of Edgar Rice Burroughs Series


The Wild Adventures of Edgar Rice Burroughs Series

#2 Tarzan on the Precipice
By Michael A. Sanford

At the conclusion of the classic TARZAN OF THE APES by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Tarzan is despondent but assured he did what was honorable by enabling Jane to leave with his cousin, William Clayton (who believes he is the rightful heir to the Greystoke estate and can appropriately provide for Jane when they marry). But what then? There has never been an explanation of Tarzan’s activities after his presence in Wisconsin and his voyage back to Africa – until now. 

#3 Tarzan Trilogy
By Thomas Zachek

Three ALL NEW tales, in one book, featuring Tarzan at Point Station, a remote English outpost near the Waziri homelands. Set during the advent of World War II, we see more and more European intrusion into the Bolongo River Basin. Tarzan becomes embroiled in increasingly dangerous events as cultures clash. With new interior illustrations.

#4 Tarzan: The Greystoke Legacy Under Siege
By Ralph N. Laughlin & Ann E. Johnson

Set in the 1980s, The Greystoke Legacy Under Siege lifts the TARZAN series to new, ground-breaking heights with a high adventure that immerses TARZAN and his offspring in an epic battle for their family’s survival. The book also includes a solution to the real-life murder of Dian Fossey, who devoted her life to the study and preservation of African gorillas. With new interior illustrations. 

#5 A Soldier of Poloda [Further Adventures Beyond the Farthest Star]By Lee Strong
Worlds at War! American intelligence officer Thomas Randolph is teleported from the World War II battlefields of Normandy into the belly of the evil Kapar empire on the planet Poloda. The Kapar’s only passion is to conquer and destroy the outnumbered Unis forces who had been engaged in a century-long struggle to survive. Rechristened Tomas Ran, the Earthman now understands that the same fierce determination to defeat Hitler must now be used as a weapon to defeat the fascist Kapars – a merciless foe bent on global domination.  

#6 Swords Against the Moon Men
By Christopher Paul Carey

In this sequel to Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Moon Maid trilogy, Earth has been conquered and humanity brutally enslaved under the cruel tyranny of the Kalkar invaders whose evil was spawned from Va-nah, the Moon’s hollow interior. A desperate plea from Barsoom swiftly hurls Julian 7th upon a lonely quest into the heart of Va-nah where he teams up with a U-ga princess and a fierce alien quadruped, and launches a daring rescue to save a lost Barsoomian ambassadorial mission. 

#7 Untamed Pellucidar
By Lee Strong

The Soviet government’s Red Army, led by Comrade Trotsky, pursues the retreating White Russian forces into the dangerous world of Pellucidar. Young conscript Kirov, formerly a student anthropologist, finds his escape from the war short lived as he meets the incredible and dangerous Paleolithic animal life of the Northern environs of Pellucidar’s Stone Age world. To survive, Kirov must escape slavery from the beautiful Ala and her mighty Black Birdriders, foster a civil war, impress the natives with his “inventions,” conquer the terrifying Pulka Horde, and become the warlord of several tribes as they flee the Soviet invaders. Untamed Pellucidar is a tale in the grand tradition of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ epic adventures At The Earth’s Core. 


Tarzan Wild Adventures T-ShirtsTees featuring your favorite Edgar Rice Burroughs character from Tarzan® to Korak to John Carter of Mars to The Lad and the Lion to Carson of Venus and many more are available in our online store. Images are from our Comic Strip Subscription stories which are created by well known writers and artists. See our ERB store for all the Edgar Rice Burroughs® Comic Strip TEES. Also you can visit our Amazon Store for additional items such as sweatshirts and new Tee designs. 


See other books in the Wild Adventures series


Best Regards,
The Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Team
James Sullos / President  
Cathy Wilbanks / VP-Ops
Tyler Wilbanks / Director of Publications
Tracy Griffin / Director of Special Projects
PO Box 570277 Tarzana CA 91357 | 818.344.0181

Trademarks: Edgar Rice Burroughs® / The Wild Adventures of Edgar Rice Burroughs book series: #1 Tarzan: Return to Pal-ul-don™; #2 Tarzan On the Precipice™; #3 Tarzan Trilogy™; #4 Tarzan: The Greystoke Legacy Under Siege™; #5 A Soldier of Poloda [Further Adventures Beyond the Farthest Star]™; #6 Swords Against the Moon Men™; #7 Untamed Pellucidar™; #8 Tarzan and the Revolution™ – all owned by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. 

All story titles and content in the Wild Adventure Series are copyright ©Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. All Rights Reserved.



Now available in Soft Cover – ERB Wild Adventure Novel #8 Tarzan and the Revolution

Written by Thomas Zachek / Art by Mike Grell



Eric Benton, an idealistic young Midwestern Peace Corps volunteer, could hardly have known that his mission to help an African village would embroil him and his colleagues in the political struggles of an emerging African nation.

The people of central Africa likewise had no idea how quickly their expectations for freedom could be taken away when a ruthless dictator seizes power.

And Tarzan of the Apes had no idea that before long, he would be compelled, once again, to undertake a long and perilous journey with the Waziri to save their families.

Set against a backdrop of political unrest in modern Africa, Thomas Zachek’s latest page-turner takes the reader from the dank treasure troves of the lost city of Opar to turmoil in the city streets as Tarzan battles one of his most ruthless foes!


Order your copy of Tarzan and the Revolution today (available in Soft Cover and Hardcover with Dust Jacket) and enjoy this exciting new adventure – Book #8 in The Wild Adventures of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Series and


Thomas Zachek grew up on Tarzan movies and, to a lesser extent, the comics. He became hooked on the real Tarzan in high school after picking up a new Ace paperback edition of Tarzan and the Lost Empire for fifty cents–the one with the Frank Frazetta cover with Tarzan hanging from a limb on a cliff overlooking the Roman city. Thomas went on to collect the entire series of Ace and Ballantine paperback reissues of Burroughs’ Tarzan tales (he still has them).

Thomas discovered that Burroughs’ stories were quite unlike the family-friendly Tarzan of the movies, with Johnny Weismuller as the hulking hero living for some reason in the jungle with a classy, aristocratic Jane. No, Burroughs’ hero was actually a British lord who spoke educated English and had a fascinating backstory. Thomas was impressed with the superior level of development and action in these tales.

Nearly forty years passed, wherein most of the writing Thomas did was lesson plans, plus the occasional letter to the editor and a series of columns for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. He attempted writing his first Tarzan tale in 2005 as something of a lark, and then followed it, to date, with six more Tarzan tales. Friends encouraged Thomas to try to get the stories published. Thomas tells us he is grateful to Jim Sullos of ERB, Inc., for giving him the chance. The first three were published in 2016 in a volume entitled Tarzan Trilogy. Thomas notes, “This is my fourth tale. I have tried to craft realistic, page-turning adventure tales featuring classic Tarzan elements while at the same time taking the character in directions that have not been done in Tarzan stories before.”

We invite you to share your thoughts and comments with Thomas


Mike Grell is a legendary, award-winning artist who has worked on many titles including Legion of Super-heroes, Green Arrow and Green Lantern. Plus, he has created numerous titles of his own, including Starslayer, Shaman’s Tears, Bar Sinister, Maggie The Cat, Warlord and Jon Sable, Freelance. Mike wrote and drew the Tarzan comic strip from July 1981 to February 1983.




Tarzan Wild Adventures T-ShirtsTees featuring your favorite Edgar Rice Burroughs character from Tarzan® to Korak to John Carter of Mars to The Lad and the Lion to Carson of Venus and many more are available in our online store. Images are from our Comic Strip Subscription stories which are created by well known writers and artists. See our ERB store for all the Edgar Rice Burroughs® Comic Strip TEES. Also you can visit our Amazon Store for additional items such as sweatshirts and new Tee designs. 


See other books in the Wild Adventures series


Best Regards,
The Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Team
James Sullos / President  
Cathy Wilbanks / VP-Ops
Tyler Wilbanks / Director of Publications
Tracy Griffin / Director of Special Projects
PO Box 570277 Tarzana CA 91357 | 818.344.0181

Trademarks: Edgar Rice Burroughs® / The Wild Adventures of Edgar Rice Burroughs book series: #1 Tarzan: Return to Pal-ul-don™; #2 Tarzan On the Precipice™; #3 Tarzan Trilogy™; #4 Tarzan: The Greystoke Legacy Under Siege™; #5 A Soldier of Poloda [Further Adventures Beyond the Farthest Star]™; #6 Swords Against the Moon Men™; #7 Untamed Pellucidar™; #8 Tarzan and the Revolution™ – all owned by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.

All story titles and content in the Wild Adventure Series are copyright ©Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


The War Chief™ Comic Strip Relaunch

with a New Artist and Continuing with the Same Story and Writer 


The War Chief is a realistic, historical novel about life and death on an Apache reservation during the final days of the Apache Wars. Decades before the movie Dances with Wolves, Edgar Rice Burroughs’ great respect for the West and his compassion regarding the exploitive treatment of Native Americans at the hands of the pin-dah-lickoyee (white eyes) caused him to write a story that is an honest and sympathetic portrait of native life that does credit to both the Natives and Edgar Rice Burroughs.

In 1897, Mr. Burroughs lived among the Apaches while stationed at Fort Grant in Arizona where he served in the US Army. Burroughs penned this story in vivid, realistic detail about day-to-day life on the Apache reservation — an adventure of the Old West — written by one who saw it with his own eyes.
See the first 4 strips of our entire lineup of 24 Edgar Rice Burroughs Comic Adventures, FREE.

WRITER Martin Powell
Martin Powell has written hundreds of stories in numerous genres for Disney, Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, and Capstone Books, among others. Nominated for the prestigious Eisner Award for his work with Sherlock Holmes, Powell is the author of many of the most popular characters in the industry, including Superman, Batman, Popeye the Sailor, Dracula, Frankenstein, and Tarzan of the Apes.
Currently, as the author of almost a dozen different ERB online comic strips, and the critically acclaimed Jungle Tales of Tarzan graphic novel from Dark Horse, it is probable that Powell has written more Burroughs characters than any other contemporary writer. Powell received the coveted Golden Lion Award from the Burroughs Bibliophiles in 2017 for his on-going contributions to the legacy of Edgar Rice Burroughs. 
Visit Martin Powell on Facebook and Amazon.
War Chief – new artist
ARTIST Toni Barber
Toni Barber is a comic book artist from Menorca, Spain. After finishing his university degree in fine arts, and working as an illustrator in a local magazine, Toni started at the Escola Joso Centre de Comic School in Barcelona where he participated in the sci-fi fanzine, Deadline, among other projects.



Wild Adventures T-Shirts featuring The War Chief™ and other ERB favorites

Tees featuring your favorite Edgar Rice Burroughs character from Tarzan® to Korak to John Carter of Mars to The Lad and the Lion to Carson of Venus and many more are available in our online store. Images are from our Comic Strip Subscription stories which are created by well known writers and artists. See our ERB store for all the Edgar Rice Burroughs® Comic Strip TEES. You can also visit our Amazon Store for additional items, such as sweatshirts, that are not yet in our store.

Best Regards,
The Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Team
James Sullos / President  |  Cathy Wilbanks / VP-Ops
Tyler Wilbanks / Director of Publications  |  Tracy Griffin / Director of Special Projects
PO Box 570277 Tarzana CA 91357 | 818.344.0181


See All of Our Comic Strips

Trademarks: Edgar Rice Burroughs® / Tarzan® / Tarzan of the Apes™ / The New Adventures of Tarzan™ / Tarzan and Jane® / Lord of The Jungle® / John Carter® / John Carter of Mars® / John Carter Warlord of Mars® / Carson of Venus ™ / The Eternal Savage™ / The War Chief™ / The Cave Girl™ / Pellucidar™ / The Land that Time Forgot™ / The Mucker™ / The Monster Men™ / Korak The Killer™ / The Lost Continent™ /  Jungle Girl™ / The Outlaw of Torn™ / The Girl from Hollywood™ / The Lad and the Lion™ / I Am A Barbarian™ / The Mad King™ / The Tarzan Twins™ / The Moon Men™ / The Girl From Farris’s™ / Pirate  Blood™ / The Man-Eater™ / Inspector Muldoon™ / Beyond the Farthest Star™ – all owned by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.


Life on MARS Lecture Series at the Museum of Science Fiction

Evidence that a lake lies beneath the southern polar ice cap of Mars was discovered in July by an orbiting probe, marking the first time a persistent body of liquid water has been found on the red planet. This announcement naturally led many to wonder: does this mean there is life on Mars? Astrophysicist and author Dr. David H. Grinspoon will walk us through this exciting discovery and what’s next in the mission to ascertain if anything might be swimming in these Martian waters.

Check out the Full Schedule & Buy Tickets Here!


FoxNews: NASA’s Mars Opportunity rover, $400M spacecraft, unresponsive in Martian dust storm for 2 months

For over two months, there has been no sign of NASA’s Mars Opportunity rover. The car-sized space machine, worth a whopping $400 million, signed offline as it disappeared inside a massive Martian dust storm on June 10.

A team of scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, Calif. have been eagerly listening for signs of life from the rover. So far, all they’ve heard is silence.

Read the Full Article Here.


Business Inside: NASA’s Curiosity rover has been exploring Mars for 6 years now – here’s what the red planet’s surface looks like up close


The surface of Mars is weird and beautiful.

For six years now, since its landing on August 5, 2012, the Mars Curiosity rover has been exploring one area of our next-planet neighbor .


Read the Full Article and see More Photos on Business Inside!

(Photos by REUTERS/NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona and NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS via AP)
