John Carter is a film directed by Pixar alum Andrew Stanton that follows Civil War veteran John Carter on his astounding trip to the planet Barsoom, which we know as Mars. There he meets a princess leading a rebellion, fights against an evil empire, and meets a variety of strange aliens on a desert wasteland of a planet, gets powers far beyond the abilities of normal men, and encounters a strange religion. There are times where he’s captured, thrown into an arena to fight bizarre monsters, and other times where he’s forced to rescue a princess.

Siberian tiger becomes unlikely friends with a goat

tiger-and-goat-An odd and remarkable thing happened when a live goat was put into the enclosure of a Siberian tiger as part of its twice-a-week feeding of live animals at the Primorsky Safari Park in Russia: Amur the tiger became friends with its dinner.

In a story that has captivated Russia, Timur the goat and Amur the tiger have become fast friends, eating and playing together, chasing each other in the snow and even playfully head-butting each other, according to the Agence France-Presse.

Read more at GrindTV!

Photo: Dmitry Mezentsev via CCTV News


‘Tarzan’ Ron Ely puts Santa Barbara hangout up for sale

'Tarzan' Ron Ely puts Santa Barbara hangout up for saleA real Steal!

Ron Ely of TV “Tarzan” fame has listed his own little piece of the jungle for sale in Santa Barbara at $5.195 million.

Secreted behind two sets of gates, the 1.5-acre estate has been the actor’s home for nearly three decades. The flat lot is studded with mature trees and palms and contains the main house, a one-bedroom guesthouse, a blue-surface tennis court and a 20-foot-by-50-foot tiled swimming pool.

Read the full article at LA Times.

Photo Courtesy of Thomas Ploch | Inset: Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images
