Lions one of 23,000 species facing Extinction

Lions in Africa Need Protection According to US Government

Another sad report about the state of animal kingdom:

Geneva (AFP) – The mighty lion, reclusive cave crabs and the world’s rarest sea lion are among nearly 23,000 species at risk of dying out, a top conservation body warned on Tuesday.

In an update to its “Red List” of threatened species, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature hailed some clear advances in saving endangered species like the Iberian Lynx.

Read the full article at Yahoo News


Tarzan: Return to Pal-ul-don Book!

Announcing the latest addition to the Tarzan lore, written by Will Murray

Tarzan Return to Pal-ul-don
With the African continent engulfed by World War II, John Clayton, Lord Greystoke, abandons his role as Lord of the Jungle in order to combat the spreading Nazi menace.

Flying a P40 Tomahawk warplane, Clayton is sent on his first mission: to rescue the missing British Military Intelligence officer code-named Ilex. But the daring task plunges him into his savage past after he’s forced down in a lost land that seems hauntingly familiar.

When Tarzan of the Apes returns to the prehistoric realm called Pal-ul-don, he must revert to his most savage persona, that of Tarzan-jad-guru—Tarzan the Terrible!

Purchase it here!


New Novel “Tarzan: Pal-Ul–Don” by Noted Author Will Murray

(June 5, 2015 – Tarzana, CA by Will Murray) I’m immensely pleased and proud to announce that I had been chosen by ERB Inc. to write the first authorized Tarzan novel in several years to be set in the series’ original time period. Although I’m perhaps best known for my Doc Savage novels, I actually discovered the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs about a year before I discovered Doc. It was the purchase of the Ballantine Books edition of “The Gods of Mars” in 1968 that started me on my lifelong love affair with all things Burroughsian.

When the opportunity came to write a Tarzan adventure, I gave a lot of thought over which phase of the ape-man’s career to set my story. From the beginning, the plan was to sequel “Tarzan the Terrible,” one of ERB’s most masterful Tarzan novels, and a personal favorite of the Burroughs’, second only to “Tarzan of the Apes” in that series.

New Tarzan Novel Pal-Ul–Don by Noted Author Will Murray

At first, I thought we would leave the timeframe vague, but the more I delved into the series, the more I was drawn to the little-recorded phase in which John Clayton, Lord Greystoke, left his jungle home to serve in the Royal Air Force during World War Two. Burroughs portrayed his hero as an observer in “Tarzan and The Foreign Legion,” so he would likely have previously undergone flight training. Here was a great jumping-off point to depict the civilized John Clayton in a rarely-seen role––that of combat fighter pilot––from there to segue into a classic reversion to this natural state as the untamed Lord of the Jungle.

In “Tarzan: Return to Pal-ul-don,” fresh from flight school, Clayton is given a secret mission. An RAF plane has gone down in Africa, along with a military intelligence operative codenamed Ilex. His mission is to locate Ilex and bring the nameless agent back to civilization, along with the unknown Axis secret being carried to Allied leaders. As it happened, the missing plane crashed into a previously unexplored area Pal-ul-don. So when Flying Officer Clayton’s shark-mouthed P-40 Tomahawk fighter plane is attacked by pteranodons, causing him to crash land in strangely familiar territory, the ape-man discovers he’s back in the Land of Man. And so begins his quest.

In this sequel, we are not revisiting the cities and peoples encountered in “Tarzan the Terrible.” Instead, Tarzan finds himself caught in the web of a completely different tree-dwelling tribe which presents the fearless ape-man with one of the most epic challenges of his long career. Tarzan the hunter becomes Tarzan the hunted!

I don’t want to give away any more of the story, but “Tarzan: Return to Pal-ul-don” is an imaginative quest into a savage land both familiar and alien. The allies and perils the ape-man collects along the way are a tribute to the powerful imagination of Edgar Rice Burroughs, one of the great pulp adventure writers of the 20th Century.

This is Tarzan of the Apes as Burroughs originally portrayed him.

Jim Sullos, President of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., adds, “We couldn’t be more pleased to have such a talented writer as Will Murray write a sequel to one of Mr. Burroughs’ Tarzan novels. The pace is fast and the suspense never lets up, just what a reader expects when following the adventures of our Ape-Man.”

––Will Murray

Click Here to Order Link the New Novel: Tarzan: Return to Pal-ul-Don.

copyright © 2015 Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.

Tarzan of the Apes copyright © 1912 Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Owned by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. and Used By Permission.

First Edition – June 2015
Designed by Matthew Moring/Altus Press


Chimps Have the Mental Capacity to Cook, Study Shows


Science keeps discovering that Chimps are far closer to us than we may suspect, and here’s another good example:

Paris (AFP) — Chimpanzees and humans share some of the basic brain skills needed for cooking, a finding that may explain a turning point in the story of mankind, a study said Wednesday.

Experiments at a chimp sanctuary suggest a common ancestor imparted these cognitive abilities to apes and humans alike, it said.

Read the full story at Yahoo News


Lion kills American tourist driving in S. African park

Lions in Africa Need Protection According to US Government
Johannesburg (AFP) – A lion leapt through a open car window and mauled to death an American tourist at a privately-run game park just outside Johannesburg on Monday, a park official said.

“There was a car driving to the lion camp and the lion did come through the window and bite the lady,” Scott Simpson, operations manager of The Lion Park venue told Talk Radio 702.

Read the full article at Yahoo News


Endangered Rhinos in Kenya Are Taking Back Their Land

rhino poaching

Another worthwhile story for the day:

On a stretch of land in Kenya, the last rhino for miles was killed 25 years ago.
Eastern black rhinos, murdered by poachers for their horns, have not set foot in the 100-square-mile native habitat since, and their numbers worldwide plummeted by 98 percent between 1960 and 1995 because of hunting and poaching.
But last week, that began to change.

Read the full article at Yahoo News


Baby Elephant rescued from a busy roadway by its herd


Another heartwarming story from the animal kingdom, once again showing the intelligence and closeness of Elephants:

In a touching display of caring and togetherness, a herd of elephants recently coaxed a baby elephant that had fallen in a busy roadway back to its feet and safely into the wilderness.

The dramatic scene played out recently in Kruger National Park in South Africa, with motorists watching from both directions in the road.

Read more at GrindTV


Illustrating Barsoom


A wonderful article about the hard effort that goes into making the art of Barsoom:

When an artist is learning to draw or paint there are certain subjects at which they all must try their hand. A landscape. Flowers. Animals. Children. With varying degrees of success, the artist has to have at least tried to depict certain types of scenes from low lighting, moody, introspective pieces to high energy, action scenes. The artist has to experience what it is like to capture these elements on paper or canvas.

Read the full article at Amazing Stories
