Tarzan 2016 Release Date Announced!

Tarzan 2016 Release Date Announced

The upcming new Tarzan movie, developed by Warner Bros has finally announced the release date, aiming for July 1 of next year! With a $90 budget and several big names attached, including Margot Robbie as Jane Porter or Samuel L. Jackson as George Washington Williams, it is a hefty production! Stay tuned for more news and updates about the film’s production!

Source: Crossmap.com


The Perfect Tarzan and Jane Couple

Gisele Bundchen, super model and wife of Quarterback Tom Brady, knows what the good life really is.

In Gisele’s perfect world, she and her loving family would be out of the spotlight and deep in the jungle, living “like Tarzan and Jane.” “If I could choose, I’d be bare feet, with animals all around me and living in a tree house,” said Gisele, who made $47 million in 2014. “I’m at my happiest around nature.”

The Perfect Tarzan and Jane Couple The Perfect Tarzan and Jane Couple 2

Photos by Tiago Chediak and Evan Agostini/Invision/AP Photo


Mysterious cloudlike plumes bursting from Mars

Mysterious cloudlike plumes bursting from Mars

USA Today reports an interesting phenomenon spotted by some astronomers:

Amateur astronomers have spotted huge cloudlike plumes erupting from Mars – a phenomenon that scientists are at a loss to explain. The bright flares, which have now died away, towered higher than anything else observed in the Martian atmosphere. Their tops reached some 150 miles in altitude, more than twice as high as the highest Martian clouds, and they sprawled across 300 to 600 miles, researchers report in this week’s Nature, a science journal.

Read the full article Here!
Photo by NOAA


John Carter the Only Disney’s Loss-making British Movie

John Carter of Mars Goldenage Comic Online

It’s a sad news to bring up, but our beloved John Carter is the only movie that hasn’t quite perfmored up to snuff, bringing in 0.93 cents for every dollar invested. Various criticis and bloggers around the web remarked the movie was an underappreciated gem, failing to attract the audience it deserves. A real shame, but our hero lives on in our comics!

If you’re curious about the full article, read up on Forbes!

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Follow 15 Golden / Silverage comics online inspired by Edgar Rice Burroughs classics and get behind-the-scenes Bonus Materials such as artist sketches and older comics! All our strips are updated weekly and available immediately online for just single subscription of $1.99/ month or $21.99 /year!

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Curiosity trek through ‘Pahrump Hills’ spotted by Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

Curiosity trek through 'Pahrump Hills' spotted by Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

An interesting article with some great pictures from Psych.org:

NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover can be seen at the “Pahrump Hills” area of Gale Crater in this view from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Pahrump Hills is an outcrop at the base of Mount Sharp. The region contains sedimentary rocks that scientists believe formed in the presence of water.

Read the full story at: Psych.org


Human Shadow on Mars?

Huffington Post posted another chilling story depicting an odd shadow next to a Nasa rover, oddly resembling a helmet-less human! Crisp hair on the top, air tanks on the back, the strange figure appears to be “messing with the rover” as the article points out. Could the alien be trying to intercept our rover? Or perhaps this proves the photo was not taken on Mars at all? Or maybe just a testament to our cognitive bias to interpret shapes as human silhouettes and faces. You be the judge!

Human Shadow on Mars

Read the full story Here!


Johnny Weissmuller, Famous as Tarzan, Was Also a Record-Setting Swimmer!

The Guardian has written a nice little piece about Johny Weissmuller, who starred as Tarzan in six different movies for MGM in mid 1955s. But few know he was also a highly-accomplished swimmer who set a world-record that went undefeated for some ten years!

Best of both worlds … Johnny Weissmuller competes at the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris.
The guy – whose name was Johnny Weissmuller, and who had just been given the role of Tarzan – could definitely swim. In fact, “the world’s greatest swimmer” was true then, and it’s probably still true today. To get a measure of just how good he was, try this single fact for size: in 10 years of competition swimming, Johnny Weissmuller never lost a race. Not once.

Read the full story at The Guardian

Photo courtesy of Popperfoto
