The Company That Time Will Never Forget: A Visit to Edgar Rice Burroughs, Incorporated

In the waning days of March 2013, I made a trip I should’ve taken years before. I’ve lived in Los Angeles since I was four, became a fan of Edgar Rice Burroughs in my teens, but never thought about taking the jaunt on the I-405 into the Valley to visit the office of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. I knew the office was there; that part of the Valley didn’t get the name “Tarzana” by accident. But it wasn’t until after working for three years writing numerous articles about Burroughs’s books and movies based on them that I realized the opportunity in plain sight — actually, over the hill. I looked up the company’s website, found a phone number, and gave the office a call, wondering what might come of it. A pleasant-sounding woman answered the phone, and after I provided her only a sentence of explanation (ERB fan, live in L.A., would like to write something about the company for an online magazine), she cheerfully told me to call the president of the company, James J. Sullos Jr., and gave me his cell phone number. Another call later — and a half-hour of quality fan talk with Mr. Sullos — and I had an appointment to come out to the offices and have lunch with him and Cathy Wilbanks, the company archivist and executive assistant.

Read Ryan Harvey’s full retrsopective Here!


Gorilla & Chimp Conservation in Cameroon: Ape Action Africa

Wild gorillas and chimpanzees are on the brink of extinction. Habitat loss and poaching threaten these magnificent animals like never before.

Ape Action Africa is committed to ape conservation in Africa – protecting Cameroon’s great apes through direct action, including rescuing orphaned gorillas, chimpanzees and monkeys, giving them a safe forest sanctuary home where they can live with their own kind.

Find out more at the Ape Action Africa website!


Joe Kubert’s Tarzan of the Apes: Artist’s Edition Signed, Remarqued and Numbered Limited Edition on Sale!


This limited edition features a bound in signature plate that has been signed, numbered, and remarqued by Joe Kubert, each with an original head sketch. This edition is limited to 181 copies only and is strictly available to one per customer only. NOTE: $50 from each sale of the limited edition will be donated to the newly established Joe Kubert Scholarship fund at the Joe Kubert School of Cartoon Art.

Celebrate the 100th anniversary of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ most enduring creation, Tarzan of the Apes!

Joe Kubert was one of the most acclaimed comic artists ever. His career in comics lasted nearly 70 years. Throughout all those years his hallmarks have been a mastery of sequential storytelling and exceptionally fine drawing. Highlights of his career include work on Hawkman, Enemy Ace, Tor, Sgt. Rock, and the Viking Prince. But of all these exceptional artistic achievements one stands out: his remarkable adaption of ERB’s Tarzan.

This Artist Edition collects six complete stories by Kubert, including the four-part classic, Tarzan of the Apes—the defining story of young Lord Greystoke being orphaned in the African jungle and adopted by the she-ape Kala, and grows to manhood to become Tarzan, lord of the jungle.

Get It Here!


Joe Kubert’s Tarzan of the Apes: Artist’s Edition for Sale!


Celebrate the 100th anniversary of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ most enduring creation, Tarzan of the Apes!

Joe Kubert was one of the most acclaimed comic artists ever. His career in comics lasted nearly 70 years. Throughout all those years his hallmarks have been a mastery of sequential storytelling and exceptionally fine drawing. Highlights of his career include work on Hawkman, Enemy Ace, Tor, Sgt. Rock, and the Viking Prince. But of all these exceptional artistic achievements one stands out: his remarkable adaption of ERB’s Tarzan.

This Artist Edition collects six complete stories by Kubert, including the four-part classic, Tarzan of the Apes—the defining story of young Lord Greystoke being orphaned in the African jungle and adopted by the she-ape Kala, and grows to manhood to become Tarzan, lord of the jungle.

Get It Here!


Tarzan Swings Back Into Action in The Complete Russ Manning Newspaper Strips! IDW publishing Friday Feb 8th, 2013

tarzan-complete-russ-manning-strips ~ Friday, Feb 8th, 2013

San Diego, CA (February 8, 2013) – IDW Publishing is proud to announce that the Library of American Comics will be collecting comics legend Russ Manning’s classic run with Edgar Rice Burroughs’ King of the Jungle in 2013! TARZAN: THE COMPLETE RUSS MANNING NEWSPAPER STRIPS is a four-volume series. The first three volumes will chronologically collect all of Manning’s daily black & white and full-color Sunday strips from 1967 to 1974, while the fourth volume will collect the remaining Sunday strips, which Manning continued to do until 1979.
“The addition of Tarzan to the Library of American Comics amplifies even further that the imprint is the premier archival home for comic strip reprints and collections,” says IDW’s President and Chief Operating Officer Greg Goldstein. “Russ Manning’s Tarzan run is one of the real highlights of the modern age of adventure strips and we are extremely excited to be the home of its long-anticipated return to print.”

The series of hardcover volumes will commence May 29th with Tarzan: The Complete Russ Manning Newspaper Strips, Vol. 1: 1967 – 1969. Fans will be treated to the first-ever collection of a historic turning point in Tarzan history: when Russ Manning was handpicked by the Burroughs estate to return the strip to its creator’s original vision. Manning put together a dream team of assistants in this historic endeavor, including future comics greats Dave Stevens, William Stout, and Mike Royer, creating one of the most loaded rosters in comics history, and a perfect opportunity for new fans to discover the adventures of Viscount Greystoke.

In his introduction to Volume One, William Stout writes, “Russ Manning was a natural storyteller. He may also be one of the most underrated writers in comics. His beautiful art is so captivating that it’s easy to understand how it might overshadow his scripts. He was as adept with telling Tarzan tales in contemporary Africa as he was setting Ape Man stories in dinosaur-infested Pal-ul-don.”

Reproduced from the Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. file copies, fans can expect TARZAN: THE COMPLETE RUSS MANNING NEWSPAPER STRIPS to receive the same critically acclaimed, award-winning treatment that Dean Mullaney, The Library of American Comics, and IDW Publishing have become renowned for.

Tarzan: The Complete Russ Manning Newspaper Strips, Vol. 1: 1967 – 1969 ~ (HC, B&W, $49.99, 288 pages.)


Me Tarzan, You Jane: A centennial book of jungle action!

(2013 Video Interview)

First things first. I may be the only grown man in America who will admit to loving the movie John Carter. Sure, the story was imperfect, the whole thing a wee bit too long and no doubt puzzling to anyone not familiar with the origins of the original Edgar Rice Burroughs superhero. Oh, and Disney erred mightily in dropping “… of Mars” from the title. That might have distinguished the title character from John Carter of… accounting, let’s say. But I thought the movie kicked ass in much the way Star Wars did the first time I saw it more than 35 years ago.

  SCOTT TRACY GRIFFIN audio excerpt: “Edgar Rice Burroughs was extremely intelligent… He wasn’t particularly outgoing or extroverted, however. He was self-effacing and humble.”

You can LISTEN to this interview with writer SCOTT TRACY GRIFFIN, author of TARZAN: THE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION, by clicking the audio player above! So I was a good candidate to be interested in Scott Tracy Griffin’s new illustrated book, Tarzan: The Centennial Celebration. It’s a stunningly attractive piece of work, bringing together a century’s worth of the art, films and stories that make Burroughs one of the Western world’s most remarkable creative minds.

In one place you can now find the book covers and interiors by Frank Frazetta and Roy Krenkel, the comic book work of Joe Kubert, the comic strips of Hal Foster, and movie stills from all the great – and not so great – Tarzan films. TV’s Tarzan, Ron Ely – who will always be Doc Savage to me – even wrote the introduction.

Watch the exclusive Mr. Media interview with Scott Tracy Griffin, author of Tarzan: The Centennial Celebration


Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Tarzan: The Sunday Comics Volume 1, 1931-1933


Beautifully restored and printed at giant size, this first volume in Dark Horse’s comprehensive collections of Hal Foster’s Tarzan Sundays reprints over one hundred strips on high-quality paper and in eye-popping color, replicating their appearance when they were brand new! Featuring historical essays on Tarzan and Foster, this astonishing volume is a must for every collector! Collecting every Tarzan Sunday strip from September 1931 through September 1933! * From Hal Foster, creator of Prince Valiant! * Introduction by Mark Evanier! Writer: George Carlin Artist: Hal Foster Publication Date: July 31, 2013 Format: FC, 120 Pages; HC, 15″ x 20″ Price: $125.00 ISBN-10: 1-61655-117-8 ISBN-13: 978-1-61655-117-9



The Jungle Lord is Alive and Well The New Adventures of Tarzan

Andy Briggs Three Tarzan Books



Volume 3: THE SAVAGE LANDS :: Soon to be Released in USA 
The rave reviews keep coming in: 
Tarzan Book No. 3 by Andy Briggs 
MrRipleyEnchanted Books 
The Book Bag


See our many Andy Briggs features across the  
ERB Eclectica Archive 
also featured in our 
Andy’s Appearances at the 2012 Tarzan Conventions

Tarzan Radio Show at Western Carolina University on February 26th

Tarzan of Apes Radio Show

Students at Western Carolina University located in Cullowhee, North Carolina, under the direction of Mr. Don Connelly, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Communication, will transcribe excerpts from previous Tarzan recordings from 1932-33 that will become a 60 minute radio program. The recordings are available here.

The first 22 episodes provide the overall story line from the landing of Lord and Lady Greystoke through the rescue of Jane from Terkoz or Kerchak The Ape (not sure which one) by Tarzan when he and Jane meet and speak for the first time. The specific shows that they will take excerpts from include:



1 Tarzan’s First Birthday
2 Battle with the Apes
3 Tarzan in Young Manhood
5 Tarzan Sees a Ship
8 Did the Bottle Really Go Over the Side
9 The Captain is in Quicksand
10 A Fight Aboard Ship
11 Tarzan’s Shack
19 Morning Arrives
21 Tarzan Rescues Jane From the Apes

There will be one live performance of the show on February 26, 2013 at 7:30 PM at the University’s Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center and a radio broadcast of the show on WWNC AM in Ashevlle, North Carolina. All proceeds go to benefit academic scholarships for students in the participating departments at the University. A television production class will do a live multi-camera shoot as a class project for archival purposes. They will enter the archival recording in academic festivals for peer review. No recordings of the show will be produced for the public or offered for sale. They will enter the performance in the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival. Representatives of the festival attend the live performance and present a review to the company. If selected in advance, the show is performed at the regional competition, and if it advances from there, it would be performed at the Kennedy Center College Theatre Festival in Washington, D.C.

Should be a lot of fun for all!
