TARZAN: The Greystoke Legacy reviewed by Andy Briggs

Tarzan Greystoke Legacy

The Greystoke Legacy
By Andy Briggs
Source: Pulp Fiction Reviews
Open Road Media
177 pages

We’d vaguely heard mention someone was going to be re-launching a new, modern version of Tarzan a while back then promptly forgot all about it. These kind of re-imaginings have been tried before with various pulp heroes; most of them have failed miserably and are better left forgotten. Thus when one of the marketing agents for Open Road Media contacted us about reviewing Andy Briggs new Tarzan books we were curious enough to accept their gracious invitation. The books arrived two weeks ago (they are also available as Ebooks) and we were anxious to dig into them.

It is important that we make it resoundingly clear that Tarzan of the Apes as created and written by Edgar Rice Burroughs is one of our favorite fictional characters. Having discovered Burroughs books in paperback format during our teen years, we devoured most of them and particularly cherish the first two; “Tarzan of the Apes” and “The Return of Tarzan.” Together they tell one of the most amazing yarns ever put to paper and from which an entire cottage industry was born. Tarzan is easily one of the most recognizable figures of all times and has been portrayed in movies (starting with the silent era), TV series, comic books, radio and who knows what else. His venerable tale is of man’s daily struggles with survival, the preservation of his natural environment and the steadily encroaching beast that is modern civilization.

After having read, “Tarzan : The Greystoke Legacy,” we confess to having been wonderfully surprised at just how well it was both conceived and executed. Briggs is a truly talented writer who is obviously a true fan of Burroughs’ original stories and he reshapes the origin of the Ape Man with both a logical presentation and a great deal of reverence for the classic source material. Unlike Burroughs, who lived in a time when his background setting for Tarzan was a still largely unexplored “Dark” Continent, Briggs is challenged to offer us a hero whose jungle home is a rapidly dwindling landscape endangered daily by multiple factions.

Burroughs never once, in his many books, ever offered us scientific details of the wildlife and flora of the savage jungle he wrote about. Not so in this retelling. Yet, despite his handicap of portraying an authentic wilderness, Briggs never loses sight of the intrinsic nature of his hero; Tarzan is a savage being nurtured by the law of the jungle. He kills his enemies and protects his friend, be they beast or human.

Jane Porter is a troubled, lonely young woman, who has followed her father into Congo where he and his partner are operating an illegal tree-cutting operation. When mysterious acts of vandalism begin plaguing the camp and slowing down the work, those in charge believe the sabotage to be the work of militant rebels hiding deeper in the jungle. One night someone sets fires to the machinery and Jane, disorientated by an explosion, awakens to find herself lost in the jungle. When he is found and rescued by a half naked white man calling himself Tarzan, she is propelled into an adventure that will both alter her world view and awaken an inner strength and courage she didn’t know she possessed. All because of this strange, mysterious man who dwells amongst the giant apes of the forest.

The last thing this reviewer desires is to spoil the exuberant, grand adventure this book presents by giving away scenes that are both fresh while echoing the iconic trappings of this legendary figure. “Tarzan : The Greystorke Legacy,” is a rousing, hugely entertaining read that respects it heritage while offering us a truly exciting “new” Tarzan for our times. We can’t wait to dig into book two. Stat tuned, Tarzan fans.


Dr. Jane Goodall at the Warner Grant Theater in San Pedro This Friday!

Greetings and Happy Holidays!

Following is a flyer and information on a wonderful event we are putting together to help support Dr. Jane Goodall and her important work for our planet. We’d really appreciate it if you would please share this fundraising event information with your contact lists. John and I are trying to promote this with very little money. Word of mouth is our best bet to sell as many tickets as possible. Any help you can give us to promote this event is greatly appreciated.


Dr. Jane Goodall at the Warner Grant Theater in San Pedro Friday January 4th 7:30pm

Spend an evening with Dr. Jane Goodall and Friends: Join world renowned primatologist, Dame of the British Empire, founder of the Jane Goodall Institute, UN Messenger of Peace and 2013 Rose Bowl Grand Marshall for an evening of inspirational music and stories of a lifetime from a lifetime of adventure.

Tickets are $20 for students; $35 for adults and $75 for VIP. There will be a VIP reception, with Dr. Goodall following the show, with appetizers and a no host bar.

Please purchase tickets at : www.experiencesanpedro.com or www.brownpapertickets.com/events/302866

Thank you for your support.

Love and peace,

Edgar Rice Burroughs Inc.


Disney’s Tarzan II

Disney's Tarzan II


Disney’s Tarzan II

  • Tarzan: Harrison Chad
  • Kala: Glenn Close
  • Zugor: George Carlin
  • Terk: Brenda Grate
  • Director: Brian Smith
  • Producer: Carolyn Bates, Jim Kammerud, Leslie Hough
  • Release Date: June 14, 2005
  • Run Time: 72 min
  • Language: English


As a young boy being raised by gorillas, Tarzan (voiced by Harrison Chad) is worried that a fabled monster known as the Zugor (voiced by George Carlin) will someday catch him. He is disappointed that he can’t run as quickly as the other young apes in his family, and his attempts to prove himself keep resulting in chaos. When an accident leaves his adoptive mother Kala (voiced by Glenn Close) thinking that Tarzan has died and the other apes feeling that Tarzan has reached a fitting end, the boy believes it best for everyone involved if he runs away.

Alone in the jungle,Tarzan gets chased by Sabor the leopard right to a rocky place known as Dark Mountain, inhabited by two hulking, spoiled gorilla brothers, the dim-witted Uto (voiced by Brad Garrett), the exceedingly violent Kago (voiced by Ron Perlman), and their controlling, over-protective Mama Gunda (voiced by Estelle Harris). But they fear the Zugor as much as Tarzan does, and when the booming call of the monster echoes through the valley, Tarzan is able to escape from them. He encounters a crotchety old gorilla who at first keeps the boy distant, but Tarzan discovers that this old gorilla actually is Zugor, who uses hollow trees as megaphones to amplify his voice and pretend to be a monster to scare other jungle creatures away from his territory and food. Tarzan uses this discovery to force Zugor into letting the boy stay with him. Thanks to Tarzan’s cheerfulness and helpfulness, Zugor begins to warm to him as the boy continues to try to figure out what he is.

Tarzan’s best friends Terk (voiced by Brenda Grate) and Tantor (voiced by Harrison Fahn) come looking for him, but Tarzan does not want to return home with them. It is only when Kala arrives and encounters trouble with Gunda and her boys that Tarzan finally realizes what he is supposed to be: a Tarzan, with his own special tricks that no one else in the jungle can do. Terk and Tantor save Tarzan and become best friends once again. Tarzan tells Kala that she was right before, and that he is a part of his family. Kala then gives him a hug and tells him how proud she is of him for rescuing her from the two ape brothers, after which Mama Gunda punishes Kago and Uto for destroying Zugor’s tree house and Terk and Tantor are finally reunited with Tarzan.


Disney’s Tarzan and Jane

Disney's Tarzan and Jane


Disney’s Tarzan and Jane

  • Tarzan: Michael T. Weiss
  • Jane: Olivia d’Abo


      From the heart of the jungle comes an action-packed, all-new, never-before-seen movie starring Tarzan… and Jane! Alive with nonstop thrills, irresistible new music, and featuring all your favorite characters from the original Disney hit, the excitement continues in TARZAN and JANE.

      As Tarzan and Jane’s first year in the jungle approaches, Jane searches for the perfect gift for Tarzan. She enlists the help of her hilarious gorilla and elephant pals, Terk and Tantor, who they remind her what an exciting year it has been, from outsmarting prowling panthers to surfing lava down an erupting volcano! But that’s nothing compared to what Tarzan has in store for Jane — a surprise that’ll show her just how much he understands her world.

      Featuring a new duet of “Two Worlds,” performed by Academy Award winner Phil Collins (1999, Best Original Song, “You’ll Be In My Heart”) and Mandy Moore, Disney’s TARZAN and JANE swings with fun, emotion, and adventure!


      Disney’s Tarzan

      Disney's Tarzan


      Disney’s Tarzan

      • Tarzan: Tony Goldwyn
      • Jane: Minnie Driver


          Swing into action and adventure with Disney’s original classic, TARZAN, packed with fun-filled bonus features and award-winning music such as the memorable “You’ll Be In My Heart” and “Trashin’ The Camp.”

          Disney’s magnificent animated adaptation of Edgar Rice Burroughs’s story of the ape man begins deep within the jungle when baby Tarzan is adopted by a family of gorillas. Even though he is shunned as a “hairless wonder” by their leader, Tarzan is accepted by the gorillas and raised as one of their own. Together with his wisecracking ape buddy Terk and neurotic elephant pal Tantor, Tarzan learns how to “surf” and swing through the trees and survive in the animal kingdom. His “Two Worlds” collide with the arrival of humans, forcing Tarzan to choose between a “civilized” life with the beautiful Jane and the life he knows and loves with his gorilla family. Filled with humor, heart, and hilarious fun, TARZAN is an unforgettable adventure you’ll watch again and again.


          Tarzan and the Lost City

          Tarzan and the Lost City


          Tarzan and the Lost City

          • Tarzan: Casper Van Dien
          • Jane: Jane March
          • Director: Carl Schenkel
          • Producer: Stanley S. Canter, Dieter Geissler, Michael Lake
          • Release Date: 1998
          • Run Time: 83 min
          • Language: English


          In 1913, on the night before Jane Porter’s wedding to John Clayton (also known as Tarzan), her bridegroom receives a disturbing vision of his childhood homeland in peril. Much to Jane’s distress, Clayton leaves for Africa to help. The educated explorer Nigel Ravens is seeking the legendary city of Opar, to plunder its ancient treasures. But then Jane decides to follow her fiancé, and he must protect her while trying to stop Ravens and his men.
