ComicBookResources just posted an excellent summary of the Edgar Rice Burroughs panel at this year’s San Diego ComicCon.
The panel of experts on all things Burroughs consisted of moderator Scott Tracy Griffin, author of “Tarzan, the Centennial Celebration,” the artist of the “Cave Girl” comic strip Diana Leto, Dynamite Entertainment Senior editor Joe Rybandt and president of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., Jim Sullus. Sullus called the company he oversees “a small, family run company ran by the Burroughs heirs, committed to not allow the properties to go stale.” Rounding out the panel was writer of the online Burroughs comic strips “Korak the Killer” and “The Mucker,” Ron Marz, and long time Burroughs World artist Thomas Yates.
Read the full story Here!