Curiosity trek through ‘Pahrump Hills’ spotted by Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

Curiosity trek through 'Pahrump Hills' spotted by Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

An interesting article with some great pictures from

NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover can be seen at the “Pahrump Hills” area of Gale Crater in this view from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Pahrump Hills is an outcrop at the base of Mount Sharp. The region contains sedimentary rocks that scientists believe formed in the presence of water.

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Human Shadow on Mars?

Huffington Post posted another chilling story depicting an odd shadow next to a Nasa rover, oddly resembling a helmet-less human! Crisp hair on the top, air tanks on the back, the strange figure appears to be “messing with the rover” as the article points out. Could the alien be trying to intercept our rover? Or perhaps this proves the photo was not taken on Mars at all? Or maybe just a testament to our cognitive bias to interpret shapes as human silhouettes and faces. You be the judge!

Human Shadow on Mars

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Missing NASA Spacecraft found on Mars after 10 years!

Spaceship Lost on Mars May Be Found

We mentioned a few days ago about the prospect of finding a long-lost Beagel-2 on the surface of Mars and the news is now confirmed!

LONDON — The European Space Agency’s Beagle-2 lander, which had been lost on Mars since 2003, has been found, the agency said Friday.
New photos taken by the high-resolution camera on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter show the lander partially deployed on the surface of the Red Planet, it said.
Rudolf Schmidt, ESA’s Mars Express project manager at the time, called the finding “excellent news.” He said that not knowing what happened to Beagle-2 had “remained a nagging worry.”

Read the full article at National Post


Spaceship Lost on Mars May Be Found

Spaceship Lost on Mars May Be Found

CNet reports that a long-lost Mars explorer craft, Beagel 2, may have been finally found after 10 years. NASA is yet to release the full statement but the news is definitely exciting.

On December 19, 2003, a tiny spaceship called the Beagle 2 was released from Mars Express, a craft orbiting Mars. On Christmas day, the lander plunged through the Martian atmosphere traveling more than 20,000 kph, and then it was never heard from again. Now there’s reason to believe that NASA has spotted the diminutive craft that was part of a British-led effort under the European Space Agency’s Mars Express mission.

Read the full article Here!


Water on Mars Found!

Martian Life Erradicated by Nuclear Weapons

Yahoo has just reported:

NASA’s Curiosity rover is continuing to help scientists piece together the mystery of how Mars lost its surface water over the course of billions of years.

The rover drilled into a piece of Martian rock called Cumberland and found some ancient water hidden within it. Researchers were then able to test a key ratio in the water with Curiosity’s onboard instruments to gather more data about when Mars started to lose its water, NASA officials said. In the same sample, Curiosity also detected the first organic molecules it has found. Mission scientists announced the discovery in a news conference today (Dec. 15) at the American Geophysical Union’s convention in San Francisco, where they also unveiled Curiosity’s first detection of methane on Mars.

Read the full article Right Here!


Former NASA Employee claims She Saw Humans on Mars

Martian Life Erradicated by Nuclear Weapons

Another amusing story from the Australian International Business Times:

A woman named “Jackie,” who claims to be a former NASA employee, called Coast to Coast AM in the U.S. She claimed she had seen evidence of two human figures walking towards the Viking lander on Mars in 1979.

Read the full story Right Here!


Martian Life Erradicated by Nuclear Weapons

Martian Life Erradicated by Nuclear Weapons

This is an unfortunate turn of events. The Australian International Business Times has reported that life on mars has been wiped out with the use of nuclear technology, according to plasma physicist Dr. John Brandenburg. In his research paper he claims that an advanced alien civilization has launched two nuclear bombs targeting early Martian life for being too young and noisy. He cautions that Earth could be next in line!

Read the full article Right Here!


Comet Swinging by Mars This Sunday


Yahoo news just posted this interesting article:

A comet as hefty as a small mountain will pass mind-bogglingly close to Mars on Sunday, approaching within 87,000 miles at a speed of 126,000 mph.

NASA’s five robotic explorers at Mars — three orbiters and two rovers — are being repurposed to witness a comet named Siding Spring make its first known visit to the inner solar system. So are a European and an Indian spacecraft circling the red planet.

Read the full article Right Here!

Artwork courtesy of Kim Poor.


Fantastically Wrong: One Astronomer’s Quest to Expose the Alien-Built Canals of Mars

Mars Atmosphere

Wired just posted this fascinating article about Mars and its atmosphere:

“Mars ain’t the kind of place to raise your kids,” Elton John once said. “In fact, it’s cold as hell. And there’s no one there to raise them if you did.” Wrong, American astronomer Percival Lowell would have said if he hadn’t … I guess … died 100 years ago. Also, what do you mean there’s no one there to raise them? What about you, dummy?

Our man Lowell, you see, was quite convinced that an alien race occupied Mars, though he never directly commented on their potential as babysitters for human astronauts. And he even had the evidence to prove they existed: an immense network of canals carved into the Martian surface that he spied through a telescope.

Read the full story here!
