A Startling Spike on Mars

Posted on July 5, 2019

If humans ever discover life on Mars, this is how it might start: with a breaking-news alert heralding a startling development well beyond Earth. On a recent Saturday afternoon, The New York Times sent a bulletin: “Mars is belching a large amount of methane gas. It’s a sign of possible life on the red planet.”
Read the Full Story at Atlantic. (Photo: NASA / JPL-CALTECH / MSSS)

Inspector Muldoon™ 
Comic Strip Launch

Posted on June 29, 2019

Enjoy this comic strip based on Edgar Rice Burroughs’ murder mysteries

Edgar Rice Burroughs created a diverse set of dynamic characters when he moved to Southern California in 1919. One of the most colorful was Inspector Muldoon of the LAPD, who faced the daunting difficulty of solving murders before the advent of the technical wonders developed after World War II.

Mr. Burroughs was a frequent sidekick to Inspector Muldoon on his crime-solving challenges, giving the renowned author the opportunity to chronicle a unique series of murders that were mostly without clues. In such cases, Muldoon had no match. What follows are the mystifying murders and astonishing solutions that only Muldoon fully understood, presented in the narrative approach of the comic picto-fiction style of the 1950s.

See the first 4 strips of our entire lineup of Edgar Rice Burroughs Comic Adventures. FREE


WRITER Charles Santino

Inspector Muldoon is Charles Santino’s third web comic for Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., the first two being The Girl from Hollywood and The Girl from Farris’s.

Santino is the co-author and co-creator of the Markosia comic book and graphic novel series Danny and Harry Private Detectives, with collaborator/artist Walter Brogan.

Santino has written and packaged comics and graphic novels for Marvel Comics, Penguin Books, Random House, Fantagraphics, and others.

Santino’s credits include Conan the Barbarian, Louis L’Amour’s The Law of the Desert BornSavage TalesAesop’s Fables, and Marvel’s humor title What The—? He collaborated with novelist and screenplay author Malcolm McDowell (Beetlejuice) on the psychological horror novel Toplin, published by Dell/Abyss.


Karl Comendador is a well-known Filipino comic illustrator who won the Society of Philippine Illustrators and Cartoonists (SPIC) and San Miguel Corporation (SMC) Annual Arts Award in 1981. Comendador works as a regular comic illustrator in some well-established publications in the Philippines, and produced numerous graphic novels that gained huge followings. He is a protégé of Nestor Redondo, a Filipino illustrator who worked on the Swamp Thing series for DC comics. Comendador is also a writer/illustrator with a number of graphic novels published locally and well circulated in the Philippines, among them being Renegado and Dondo, both of the action genre.

Comendador is currently selling his art on eBay and works with ACP Comics.

Edgar Rice Burroughs T-Shirts

Inspector Muldoon t-shirt and other t-shirts from Edgar Rice Burroughs’ stories can be found here. Other tees featuring your favorite Edgar Rice Burroughs characters, from Tarzan to Korak to John Carter of Mars to Carson of Venus and many more are available in our online store. Images are from our Comic Strip Subscription stories, which are created by well-known writers and artists. See our ERB store for all the Edgar Rice Burroughs Comic Strip t-shirts. You can also visit our Amazon Store for tees and additional items such as sweatshirts and new t-shirt designs. 

See the first 4 strips of our entire lineup of 24 Edgar Rice Burroughs Comic Adventures, FREE

Trademarks Inspector Muldoon™, The Girl from Hollywood™, The Girl from Farris’s™, and Edgar Rice Burroughs® and others owned by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.


Summer Book Sale

Posted on May 24, 2019

The Wild Adventures of Edgar Rice Burroughs Series

The Wild Adventures of Edgar Rice Burroughs series takes readers on an epic journey with all-new novels featuring the courageous heroes and heroines and myriad worlds of the renowned creator of Tarzan of the Apes and John Carter of Mars. In this series, new authors innovate and expand upon Burroughs’ classic tales of adventure in truly wild, unbounded fashion, taking his iconic characters and storylines in bold and creative directions never before dreamed of—even to alternate universes. From the lost cities of Tarzan’s Africa to the inner world of Pellucidar to the unimaginably distant star system of Omos, the Wild Adventures of Edgar Rice Burroughs will transport you to fantastic realms of imagination and wonder!

#2 Tarzan on the Precipice
By Michael A. Sanford
At the conclusion of the classic TARZAN OF THE APES by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Tarzan is despondent but assured he did what was honorable by enabling Jane to leave with his cousin, William Clayton (who believes he is the rightful heir to the Greystoke estate and can appropriately provide for Jane when they marry). But what then? There has never been an explanation of Tarzan’s activities after his presence in Wisconsin and his voyage back to Africa – until now.

#3 Tarzan Trilogy
By Thomas Zachek
Three ALL NEW tales, in one book, featuring Tarzan at Point Station, a remote English outpost near the Waziri homelands. Set during the advent of World War II, we see more and more European intrusion into the Bolongo River Basin. Tarzan becomes embroiled in increasingly dangerous events as cultures clash. With new interior illustrations.

#4 Tarzan: The Greystoke Legacy Under Siege
By Ralph N. Laughlin & Ann E. Johnson
Set in the 1980s, The Greystoke Legacy Under Siege lifts the TARZAN series to new, ground-breaking heights with a high adventure that immerses TARZAN and his offspring in an epic battle for their family’s survival. The book also includes a solution to the real-life murder of Dian Fossey, who devoted her life to the study and preservation of African gorillas. With new interior illustrations.

#5 A Soldier of Poloda [Further Adventures Beyond the Farthest Star]
By Lee Strong
Worlds at War! American intelligence officer Thomas Randolph is teleported from the World War II battlefields of Normandy into the belly of the evil Kapar empire on the planet Poloda. The Kapar’s only passion is to conquer and destroy the outnumbered Unis forces who had been engaged in a century-long struggle to survive. Rechristened Tomas Ran, the Earthman now understands that the same fierce determination to defeat Hitler must now be used as a weapon to defeat the fascist Kapars – a merciless foe bent on global domination.

#6 Swords Against the Moon Men
By Christopher Paul Carey
In this sequel to Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Moon Maid trilogy, Earth has been conquered and humanity brutally enslaved under the cruel tyranny of the Kalkar invaders whose evil was spawned from Va-nah, the Moon’s hollow interior. A desperate plea from Barsoom swiftly hurls Julian 7th upon a lonely quest into the heart of Va-nah where he teams up with a U-ga princess and a fierce alien quadruped, and launches a daring rescue to save a lost Barsoomian ambassadorial mission.

#7 Untamed Pellucidar
By Lee Strong

The Soviet government’s Red Army, led by Comrade Trotsky, pursues the retreating White Russian forces into the dangerous world of Pellucidar. Young conscript Kirov, formerly a student anthropologist, finds his escape from the war short lived as he meets the incredible and dangerous Paleolithic animal life of the Northern environs of Pellucidar’s Stone Age world. To survive, Kirov must escape slavery from the beautiful Ala and her mighty Black Birdriders, foster a civil war, impress the natives with his “inventions,” conquer the terrifying Pulka Horde, and become the warlord of several tribes as they flee the Soviet invaders. Untamed Pellucidar is a tale in the grand tradition of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ epic adventures At The Earth’s Core.

#8 Tarzan and the Revolution
By Thomas Zachek

Eric Benton, an idealistic young Midwestern Peace Corps volunteer, could hardly have known that his mission to help an African village would embroil him and his colleagues in the political struggles of an emerging African nation. The people of central Africa likewise had no idea how quickly their expectations for freedom could be taken away when a ruthless dictator seizes power. And Tarzan of the Apes had no idea that before long, he would be compelled, once again, to undertake a long and perilous journey with the Waziri to save their families. Set against a backdrop of political unrest in modern Africa, Thomas Zachek’s latest page-turner takes the reader from the dank treasure troves of the lost city of Opar to turmoil in the city streets as Tarzan battles one of his most ruthless foes!

All story titles and content in the Wild Adventures of Edgar Rice Burroughs series are copyright © Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. All rights reserved.

John Carter of Mars®- Adventures on The Dying World of Barsoom®

Posted on April 24, 2019

New Tabletop Roleplaying Game

John Carter of Mars GAME
John Carter of Mars – Adventures on The Dying World of Barsoom is the official tabletop roleplaying game hitting stores this month. Using the pulp-action-inspired narrative 2d20 roleplaying system, John Carter of Mars allows players to take on the roles of various adventurers and heroes as they travel, battle, and romance their way across the wondrous and dangerous world known to its natives as Barsoom. Play as John Carter, the princess Dejah Thoris, or the fearsome Thark warrior, Tars Tarkas—or create your own new heroes from a wide variety of options.

John Carter of Mars GAME
John Carter of Mars – Barsoom Roleplaying Game

The main rule book is accompanied by the Phantoms of Mars campaign—a fantastic storyline that will set your heroes against a conspiracy led by a rogue Thern seeking to control dangerous ancient science. There’s a gorgeous slipcase set; Thark, Zodanga, and Helium custom dice sets; numerous beautiful sets of miniatures; a journal to record your adventures; and an extravagant Narrator’s Screen for the game masters to hide their secrets—with more to come later this year. You can find out more here. All these great products will be appearing in your local gaming stores now.

The main John Carter of Mars RPG book itself includes: 

> An overview of Barsoom and its peoples, perfect to introduce new players to the wondrous world of John Carter of Mars.

> Detailed chapters on Barsoomian technology, creatures, and cultures.

John Carter of Mars GAME dice

> Create a wide variety of characters such as a Dashing Red Martian Duelist, a Brilliant First Born Scientist, a Savage Beastmaster, a Courageous Airship Officer, even Earthborn characters, so players can follow in the bounding footsteps of John Carter himself!

> A detailed narrator’s section filled with information on how to run genre-and-setting appropriate campaigns, including information about the great and terrible secrets of Barsoom.

> Three eras of play based on the adventures of John Carter himself. Adventure during the Dotar Sojat era, or adventure during the time where Carter became a Prince of Helium and in the years after when he was believed dead, or fight alongside Carter and his allies during the later Jeddak of Jeddaks era.

> An introductory adventure, Mind Merchants of Mars, to get players and narrators started on their adventures and immersed in the world of Barsoom.

Start your roleplaying adventure now!



Posted on April 4, 2019

Edgar Rice Burroughs’ classic John Carter of Mars is now available in two high-quality limited collectible editions from ERB Books!

ERB’s 11th and final volume in the Barsoom series is for the first time published by ERB Inc. and G&D in a Signed and Numbered Set (# 1–348) – with different dust jackets, bindings (red & blue), and front/end matter, plus individual custom slipcases, a new Foreword by Kevin J. Anderson, and an updated Introduction by Richard Lupoff.

The G&D edition of John Carter of Mars is the 50th authorized ERB title reprinted by G&D since they published their first title, A Princess of Mars, 100 years ago.
The Fourth Title in the EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Limited Edition Collection: JOHN CARTER OF MARS by Edgar Rice Burroughs Signed/Numbered Set (#1-348) – Two books in dust jackets and custom slipcase with bonus medallion – $199.99 + $6 shipping.

The Edgar Rice Burroughs
Limited Edition Collection

ERB Books is committed to producing the ultimate Edgar Rice Burroughs books ever published—the highest quality and most prolifically illustrated and attractively designed ERB books available. Extras include:
  • an antique silver finish medallion edge-etched with the number matching your books
  • (2) two-sided laser cut bookmarks
  • 80# archival paper, fold-out color plates, two-sided laminated dust jacket, and original commissioned artwork make these volumes unique treasures.
Check out all titles available from ERB Books HERE.

See other ERB Books at ERBBooks.com!


What Really Happened to NASA’s Mars Rover, Opportunity?

Posted on April 1, 2019

Opportunity was about to make the Discovery of the Century!

NASA’s Opportunity rover explored the surface of the Red Planet, Mars, for almost 15 years when Opportunity suddenly stopped communicating with Earth. And now we know why!


Opportunity had come upon the skeleton of a dead Thark, clearly validating Edgar Rice Burroughs’ 1912 claim of life on Mars. But the excitement was just too much for Opportunity, and before it could transmit this incredible discovery to Earth, its machinery stopped – creating the universe’s first ever motor heart attack.

The scene is poignantly portrayed in this excellent illustration by Doug Lefler (www.douglefler.com) who is currently Head of Story for The Third Floor – the world’s largest visualization company for the entertainment industry.

Thank you, Doug, for explaining how too much excitement and exhilaration caused the sad demise of Opportunity.

Opportunity Rover photos, at top, from NASA

Happy April Fool’s Day from Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.!


Carson of Venus®/John Carter of Mars® Crossover Event

Posted on March 27, 2019

The Edgar Rice Burroughs® Universe comic book series from American Mythology Productions continues in Carson of Venus/Warlord of Mars: The Princess in the Tower! Don’t miss out on this special crossover event featuring Edgar Rice Burroughs’ two iconic Sword and Planet heroes!

Writer: David Avallone
Artist: Cyrus Mesarcia
Cover Artists: Michael William Kaluta and Cyrus Mesarcia

Join us for an epic crossover as two of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ classic sci-fi properties collide in this once-in-a-lifetime event! Carson Napier and John Carter find themselves embroiled in an alien scheme that pits them against a veritable army of deadly warriors, killer robots, and vile villains. With only their wits and skills to guide them, the unlikely partners face death on an unknown world far from their adapted home worlds. Fantasy and science fiction combine with incredible action and adventure to deliver the ERB event of the year!

Available in three spectacular covers. Preorder now from your local comic shop using these Diamond Previews codes:
Main Cover by legendary comic artist, Michael Kaluta (Diamond Previews code MAR191397) 
Warriors Cover by interior artist Cyrus Mesarcia (Diamond Previews code MAR191398)
Limited Edition 1/350 Character Design Cover by Cyrus Mesarcia (Diamond Previews code MAR191399)

Keep up with all the Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe comic books American Mythology Productions, including the all-new miniseries Carson of Venus: The Flames Beyond!





Get more ERB Universe comics at AmericanMythology.net/shop


Beyond the Farthest Star Comic Strip Launch

Posted on March 9, 2019


Enjoy this comic strip based on the Edgar Rice Burroughs story

A sci-fi thriller, Beyond the Farthest Star tells of a World War II fighter pilot who is shot down in battle and propelled across the vast reaches of space to an unimaginably distant solar system, where he awakens on the strange world of Poloda. Tangor was the name the people of Poloda gave him. His American name he preferred not to reveal, for his family on Earth thought him dead, a hero shot down while battling Nazi warplanes over Europe.

But Tangor was not dead. Instead, like John Carter, he found himself on the surface of another world—not Mars, but a far-flung planet inhabited by strange beasts, alien peoples, and an advanced martial civilization beset by treacherous political intrigue and ceaseless warfare. On Poloda, Tangor faces the greatest challenge of his life, for there, as on Earth, war is so vast, so entrenched, that it has become a way of life. And unless Tangor can find a way to infiltrate his adopted people’s hateful enemy and steal the plans for their latest military innovation, Poloda will be only the first world of the Omos System to fall to its doom..

Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote Beyond the Farthest Star in 1940 while he was living in Honolulu, shortly before he witnessed the attack on Pearl Harbor. Following America’s entry into the war, Burroughs became the nation’s oldest war correspondent, reporting from the Pacific Theater.

See the first 4 strips of our entire lineup of Edgar Rice Burroughs Comic Adventures. FREE



Michael Tierney has over 1,000 published works of fiction and non-fiction. His most notable non-fiction work was the highly-acclaimed Edgar Rice Burroughs 100 Year Art Chronology. The fiction work he is best known for is his long-running science fiction opera: Wild Stars – which consists of novels, portfolios, and comic books. One of those comics he not only wrote, penciled, inked, and lettered, but also printed in his garage. It was the first comic to be foil stamped and have a die-cut cover, and remains the only comic to ever have a die-cut back cover. With Beyond the Farthest Star he accomplishes a personal first. This is his debut as a colorist.

Michael also serves on the City Council where he lives and has been known to wear a mask while traveling abroad – as a master certified scuba diver who hunts sharks with a camera.

Michael’s mother, Mary Tierney, created the portrait (at left) of Michael as a child.

ARTIST John Lucas

John Lucas is made entirely of popcorn and Caro syrup. It defies biology and common sense and has baffled the great minds of our times. Sadly, the judgements of such big-brained muckity-mucks come at no small cost. So, John must toil away for the few odd coins a cartoonist’s life will afford, that he may remain free of the chains of the debtors prison.

John’s work has appeared in funny books published by D.C./Vertigo, Marvel, MAD Magazine, Darkhorse, AdHouse, Image, Top Cow, Insight, 1First and BOOM!. If you don’t believe it, look it up.

Wild Adventures T-Shirts

Beyond The Farthest Star Tees [2 designs] can be found here and here. Other tees featuring your favorite Edgar Rice Burroughs character from Tarzan® to Korak to John Carter of Mars to The Lad and the Lion to Carson of Venus and many more are available in our online store. Images are from our Comic Strip Subscription stories which are created by well known writers and artists. See our ERB store for all the Edgar Rice Burroughs® Comic Strip TEES. Also you can visit our Amazon Store for tees and additional items such as sweatshirts and new Tee designs.

See the first 4 strips of our entire lineup of 24 Edgar Rice Burroughs Comic Adventures, FREE.


Mars lander starts digging on red planet, hits snags

Posted on March 3, 2019

NASA’s newest Mars lander has started digging into the red planet, but hit a few snags, scientists said Friday. The German drilling instrument on the InSight lander struck what appeared to be a couple of stones. It only managed to burrow between half a foot (18 centimeters) and about 1 ½ feet (50 centimeters), far short of the first dig’s goal, said the German Aerospace Center. Read the Full Story at Associated Press.
(Photo by NASA/JPL-Caltech via AP)

NASA rover finally bites the dust on Mars after 15 years

Posted on February 13, 2019

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — NASA’s Opportunity, the Mars rover that was built to operate for just three months but kept going and going, rolling across the rocky red soil, was pronounced dead Wednesday, 15 years after it landed on the planet. The six-wheeled vehicle that helped gather critical evidence that ancient Mars might have been hospitable to life was remarkably spry up until eight months ago, when it was finally doomed by a ferocious dust storm.
Read the Full Story at AP News. (Photo by NASA via AP)