Inspired by the Art of J. Scott Campbell



May 21, 2018, Mt. Laurel, NJ: Dynamite Entertainment today announced the launch of a new Kickstarter campaign that will see the release of a full size Deja Thoris premium statue. Based on the art of acclaimed illustrator J. Scott Campbell (Gen13, Danger Girl), and inspired by his cover to the seminal 2010 Warlord of Mars #1. Supporters will be able to choose from one of three versions of this incredible new statue depicting the iconic Edgar Rice Burroughs creation aloft a ferocious— but gentle— Martian tiger: the standard color edition, a black and white variant edition, and an ultra-limited Bronze version.

Limited reward levels offer deep discounts for supporters who back the project early, and pledges will also provide an opportunity for Burroughs fans to grab a mix of John Carter and Dejah Thoris graphic novels from Dynamite’s extensive comic book catalog. The Dynamite Kickstarter campaign is live now, and can be found by visiting: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dynamiteent/dejah-thoris-statue-by-j-scott-campbell


New DVD Documentary – Tarzan Revisited

New DVD Documentary

Tarzan Revisited

Years in the making!


Produced by Lowlands Media and French Connection Films, Directed by Robert de Young. Featuring TARZAN greats Johnny Weissmuller, Ron Ely, Wolf Larson, Christopher Lambert, Denny Miller, Casper Van Dien and many well known authorities on the continuing Tarzan legacy.

After his first appearance in 1912 in an American pulp magazine, Edgar Rice Burroughs’ literary character TARZAN became one of the most significant pop culture characters of the 20th century and the first quintessential superhero. Published in over 20 books and translated in more than 35 languages, the story of a feral boy raised by great apes was an immediate sensation, spawning radio shows, newspaper comic strips, graphic novels, multiple TV series and over 50 movies.

Though the vine-swinging TARZAN proved hugely popular among audiences, he was often met with much controversy and criticism. Despite the many heated debates surrounding TARZAN, the character nevertheless became a versatile vehicle for highlighting important topics including animal cruelty, colonialism, slavery and the current morals of society. Even TARZAN’s primivist “return to nature” philosophy remains relevant today, further illustrating why this legendary figure has endured generations of cultural change and continues to be such a compelling and timeless hero.

This inspiring and entertaining DVD can be ordered from Umbrella Entertainment.

The 29.99 price is in Australian dollars and will be about $23 in US dollars. And shipping is free! Order now and enjoy this interesting journey from the beginning to the present!


Tarzan of the Apes Swings into South Africa

Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. (ERB Inc) is pleased to announce that the complete Tarzan of the Apes book series is now available in South Africa. Publisher Henoch Neethling is releasing the 24 books by author Edgar Rice Burroughs in new Afrikaans language editions. 

This will be the third, and most comprehensive, South African publication of the immortal jungle lord’s adventures. The first 20 Tarzan novels were released between 1946-51 by African Press Bookshop. From 1983 to 1985, 12 novels were re-released in paperback by Olympos. Now, all 24 novels will be available in a matched set, featuring cover art by renowned fantasy artist Joe Jusko, in hardbound and softbound editions.

“It’s because of these stories that I learned to read,” says publisher Neethling. “A recent study in South Africa revealed that an alarming percentage of Grade 4 pupils read without real comprehension. Simply put, children cannot grasp story content because they do not read enough. We hope this book launch will inspire both children and adults to read and be active again. So many of us read the novels as children, and then ran around outside, swinging from vines and pretending to be Tarzan. Tarzan speaks all African languages and it’s time for Edgar Rice Burroughs to speak Afrikaans again!”

“This is an exciting time for our company,” says Jim Sullos, President of ERB, Inc. “Historically, Tarzan has always been a character that represents courage and honor throughout all cultures. This new publishing venture will introduce Burroughs’ vision to a new segment in our global fan community.”

The books are available here.

A Facebook page for the books has been established  here.

For more information, please contact: jhneethling@talk21.com



Primatologist Jane Goodall: ‘Tarzan married the wrong Jane’

Growing up in Britain during the second world war, Jane Goodall was often told her dreams were just that – fantasy, unrealistic, unachievable: “I had read Tarzan and fallen in love, although he married the wrong Jane, the wretched man,” she jokes. “I wanted to live with wild animals and write books about them. But people would say: ‘How can you do that? Africa is far away, we don’t know much about it. You don’t have any money in your family. You’re just a girl.’”

Read the Full Article Here.


New Tarzan Adventure Novel Explores Possible Solution to Dian Fossey Murder

Book #4 in The Wild Adventures of Edgar Rice Burroughs Series
Available in Hard cover with dust jacket; Soft cover; and Digital editions   

Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. has published Tarzan: The Greystoke Legacy Under Siege, a work of fiction that addresses the still-unsolved 1985 murder of primatologist Dian Fossey.

Fossey, an academic and, to many, a real-life Wonder Woman, came to the Rwandan jungle intent on studying and preserving the habitat of endangered mountain gorillas. Fossey swiftly found herself combating the cruelty of poachers and the heartlessness of oil and mining interests, which indiscriminately killed the gorillas out of greed, while filling their pockets with ill-gotten gains. Fossey transformed from scholar to bush guerilla fighter, working to confuse and defeat these environmental terrorists. Tragically, Fossey was brutally murdered in her home in Rwanda on December 26, 1985. On that day, the world lost a champion of the environment, wild endangered habitats and animals.

Tarzan: The Greystoke Legacy Under Siege is a seminal book as it introduces four generations of Tarzan, including Tarzan’s great grandson, Jonathan, who is unsure of his place in the Tarzan Legacy. Also in this novel, Tarzan’s African estate is demolished and many people are killed by an unknown guerilla militia; Tarzan’s son, Jack, is accused of Dian Fossey’s murder and is sought by the authorities; and Tarzan’s grandson, Jackie — who runs the behemoth Greystoke Trust — is accused and imprisoned for crimes against the Crown — a capital offense. This compelling tale, set in the 1980s, chronicles the family’s epic battle for survival.

Enjoy this exciting new adventure [Book #4 in The Wild Adventures of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Series] available in:
> Hard Cover (with a Dust Jacket) and Soft Cover editions at ERBurroughs.com
> Digital Editions at Amazon/Kindle / Nook / Apple 



Ralph N. Laughlin grew up in the Midwest. Upon graduation from the University of Iowa’s School of Journalism he joined the General Electric Advertising & Public Relations department. During his career he went on to work for a number of Fortune 500 companies. Upon retirement, he turned his writing talents to pleasure. He has published five books on various subjects, ranging from motivational, to thought provoking, to humorous relief.

He’s been a life-long fan (some say fanatic) of the Tarzan books, leading him to conceive and develop the idea of placing Tarzan and his family in modern times with actual historical events. Tarzan: The Greystoke Legacy Under Siege is the first in a series of such stories along this precept. He currently lives in southwest Virginia.

Ann E. Johnson lives in Maine and writes historical fiction and fantasy. She has received awards for her fiction at the Ocean Park Writers Conference. Ann is retired and spends her days writing, researching, or training in the martial arts of swords, staff, tai chi, karate and jiu jitsu. She began martial arts to enhance her writing and stayed because she found she loved it.


COVER ART: Tom Gianni is an award winning artist who studied at the American Academy of Arts where he has taught since 1983. For decades he has worked as a courtroom sketch artist and has painted a huge mural at the Eisenhower Public Library.

INTERIOR ILLUSTRATIONS: Mike Grell is a legendary, award winning artist who has worked on many titles including Legion of Super-heroes, Green Arrow and Green Lantern. Plus, he has created numerous titles of his own, including Starslayer, Shaman’s Tears, Bar Sinister, Maggie The Cat, Warlord and Jon Sable, Freelance. He wrote and drew the Tarzan comic strip from July 1981 to February 1983.


New Sci-Fi Adventure Novel Behind Enemy Lines, 450,000 Light-Years from Earth

Book #5 in The Wild Adventures of Edgar Rice Burroughs Series — available now!

Worlds at War!

Behind Enemy Lines,

450,000 Light-Years from Earth

by Lee Strong

A Soldier of Poloda: Further Adventures Beyond the Farthest Star

Like fellow Earthman, Tangor from the story Beyond the Farthest Star, American OSS officer Thomas Randolph is mysteriously teleported to a foreign planet where he lands in the center of a 100-year war that mirrors the Allied Powers’ struggle against Adolph Hitler’s Third Reich. 

Unlike Tangor, Randolph — now Tomas Ran — finds himself behind enemy lines where he gains a first-hand view of the inner workings of the corrupt Kapar empire. Will Tomas, using his OSS skills, be able to devise a plan to escape with the beautiful Unisan prisoner, Loris Kiri, that will allow them to join her countrymen in their struggle against the Kapars?

American novelist Edgar Rice Burroughs debuted the world of Poloda in the pulp story Beyond the Farthest Star in 1940 just as Hitler’s Nazis marched across Europe and the Imperial Japanese extended their reach across the South Pacific. Burroughs’ youthful idealism regarding the nobility of America’s previous war efforts had given way to a mature perspective of the savagery of combat that stains every battlefield. Burroughs’ deeply-held views are reflected in this tale about a planet ravaged by 100 years of conflict as the nation of Unis devotes its entire existence to the struggle of freedom against tyranny.

Author Lee Strong created this second adventure on the planet Poloda, which lies beyond the Globular Cluster NGC 7006 — 450,000 light years away from earth. Join Tomas Ran as he explores Poloda, battles Kapars, and finds love Beyond the Farthest Star.

Enjoy this exciting new adventure [Book #5 in The Wild Adventures of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Series and the first Science Fiction book in the Series]. Available in Hard Cover with a Dust Jacket [with Soft cover to come in a few weeks] at ERBurroughs.com and Lulu.com.







Lee Strong‘s heart was captured by the dinosaurs found At the Earth’s Core in 1962 – he has been a Burroughs reader ever since. Lee also worked for the US Department of Defense (DOD); changed international policy with a single report; deployed to Kuwait; saved taxpayers $5 million; and reformed the $2 billion DOD Personal Property Program. A Soldier of Poloda is Lee’s first novel. He is currently working on two Pellucidar novels with more to comeLee’s motto: More Adventure ! More Excitement !! More Burroughs !!!


COVER ART: Chris Peuler is a genre illustrator based in Chicago, working primarily in fantasy and science fiction. A traditionally-trained digital painter, Chris has created vivid imagery for various gaming and book publications, as well as taking time to work on his own personal portfolio. This beautiful, other-worldly cover art is his first full wraparound dust jacket painting for ERB, Inc.

INTERIOR ILLUSTRATIONS: Earl Geier has illustrated horror, fantasy and science fiction scenes in the role playing game industry for Fasa, Chaosium, TSR, Fantasy Flight, Dark Conspiracy, and others. He has illustrated books for Cemetery Dance, Chaosium, Gryphon, American Fantasy Press and Subterranean Press, and covers for The Fandom Directory. In the comic book world Earl has drawn for Dark Horse Comics, Comizone, Now, Innovation and DC Comics. His artwork has been featured as background in the TV show Supernatural “Let It Bleed.” Earl lives in Chicago, Illinois.
