Cover art by Joe Jusko
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 (Tarzana, California) Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., the company founded by the creator of Tarzan of the Apes® and John Carter of Mars®, is pleased to announce preorders for the first three volumes of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ original Barsoom® Saga in handsome ERB Authorized Library editions, sporting brand-new epic cover art and interior frontispieces by legendary artist Joe Jusko. For a limited time, preorder all three standard hardcover editions and get 20% off, or preorder the new Joe Jusko Legend Editions (see below for more details) from the individual product pages for A Princess of Mars, The Gods of Mars, and The Warlord of Mars. (Please note: The “Buy 3 Books and Get 20% Off” sale does not apply to the Joe Jusko Legend Editions.)
Although Mr. Burroughs is best known for creating his world-famous ape-man, he launched his renowned writing career with the serialization of “Under the Moons of Mars” in the pages of The All-Story magazine from February–July 1912, and many fans of his books consider the Barsoom series to be among his finest and most enduring works. “Under the Moons of Mars” was first published in hardcover in 1917 by A. C. McClurg & Co. under the title A Princess of Mars, and was followed by The Gods of Mars and The Warlord of Mars, both of which first appeared in The All-Story in 1913–14. The three novels make up one of the most highly influential and celebrated trilogies in the history of science fiction, and have left a permanent stamp on popular culture, influencing and inspiring the most prominent figures around the world, including Ray Bradbury, Carl Sagan, Jerry Seigel, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, and James Cameron, to name just a few. In the words of Ray Bradbury, “Burroughs is probably the most influential writer in the entire history of the world.” Without Edgar Rice Burroughs’ John Carter of Mars, it is doubtful that Superman, Star Wars, or Avatar would exist for audiences to enjoy, at least not in their recognizable forms.
These stunning hardcover editions feature gorgeous new cover art and frontispieces by Joe Jusko; forewords by venerated fantasy author and SFWA Grand Master Michael Moorcock (Elric, Hawkmoon, The Eternal Champion), bestselling science fiction and fantasy author Kevin J. Anderson (Dune, Star Wars, The X-Files), and NASA astronaut Terrence W. Wilcutt (veteran of four Space Shuttle missions); afterwords by noted ERB scholar Henry G. Franke III; and a bounty of rare and previously unpublished archival materials.
The first three volumes of the Barsoom Saga are expected to ship Fall 2024.

Cover art by Joe Jusko
Buy All Three Books and Get 20% Off!*
For a limited time, buy all three standard hardcover editions of A Princess of Mars, The Gods of Mars, and The Warlord of Mars and get 20%! Just click here to take advantage of this special offer.
* This special discount does not apply to the Joe Jusko Legend Editions.
Standard Hardcover Edition Dust JacketAnnouncing the Joe Jusko Legend Edition
We have had a lot of requests to offer Collector’s Editions of our ERB Authorized Library titles, and we’re listening! Beginning with the Barsoom Saga books #1–3, we will be offering a special Joe Jusko Legend Edition for each title in the ERB Authorized Library. Each Joe Jusko Legend Edition will be limited to only 300 copies and will feature:
- A dust jacket highlighting the virgin cover art (no text will be printed over the artwork)
- Wraparound illustrated exterior boards
- A collectible Joe Jusko Legend Edition trading card featuring the book’s cover art by Joe Jusko
- A bookplate signed by renowned fantasy artist Joe Jusko, along with a facsimile signature of Edgar Rice Burroughs
Joe Jusko Legend Edition Dust Jacket with Virgin Artwork
Joe Jusko Legend Edition Illustrated Exterior Boards
Joe Jusko Legend Edition Trading CardAnd in case you’re wondering if you’ll miss out on the archival photographs of Edgar Rice Burroughs that appear on the rear dust jackets of our standard hardcover ERB Authorized Library editions, there’s no need to worry! We will be printing each photograph on an interior page of the respective Joe Jusko Legend Edition volume.
How to Purchase the Joe Jusko Legend Editions:
To purchase the Joe Jusko Legend Editions, simply visit the product page for each book (A Princess of Mars, The Gods of Mars, and The Warlord of Mars), under “Format” select the option for “Hardcover Joe Jusko Legend Edition” from the drop-down menu, and add the item to your cart.
Edgar Rice Burroughs Authorized Library™
The Edgar Rice Burroughs Authorized Library presents for the first time ever the complete literary works of the Master of Adventure in uniform hardcover editions. Published by the company founded by Mr. Burroughs in 1923, each volume of the Authorized Library is packed with extras and rarities not to be found in any other edition. From cover art and frontispieces by legendary artist Joe Jusko to forewords and afterwords by today’s authorities and luminaries to a treasure trove of bonus materials mined from the company’s extensive archives in Tarzana, California, the Edgar Rice Burroughs Authorized Library will take you on a journey of wonder and imagination you will never forget.
About Edgar Rice Burroughs: Master of Adventure™
The creator of the immortal characters Tarzan of the Apes® and John Carter of Mars®, Edgar Rice Burroughs is one of the world’s most popular authors. Mr. Burroughs’ timeless tales of heroes and heroines transport readers from the jungles of Africa and the dead sea bottoms of Barsoom® to the miles-high forests of Amtor™ and the savage inner world of Pellucidar®, and even to alien civilizations Beyond the Farthest Star™. Mr. Burroughs’ books are estimated to have sold hundreds of millions of copies, and they have spawned 60 films and 250 television episodes.
About Joe Jusko: Visionary Artist
Joe Jusko is among today’s most acclaimed fantasy, pin-up, and comic artists. His work has been featured on book and comic posters, and on the much-praised 1992 Marvel Masterpieces trading cards. Jusko is a recipient of myriad industry honors, including a Certificate of Merit from the Society of Illustrators and a 2001 Chesley Award nomination. Fittingly, he was born on September 1, sharing his birthday with Edgar Rice Burroughs. Jusko’s longtime love of Burroughs’ work continues to inspire him in illustrating the Authorized Library and bringing the author’s creative vision to life.
Copyright © Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Trademarks including Edgar Rice Burroughs®, Edgar Rice Burroughs Authorized Library™, ERB Authorized Library™, John Carter®, John Carter of Mars®, A Princess of Mars®, Barsoom®, Tarzan®, Tarzan of the Apes®, Lord of the Jungle®, Pellucidar®, Amtor™, Beyond the Farthest Star™, and Master of Adventure™ owned by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. All logos, characters, names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks or registered trademarks of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.