SHIPPING UPDATE FROM OUR FRIENDS AT ERB BOOKS: “Pirates of Venus: The Illustrators Edition is in the final stages of production. Much of the remaining work will be done by hand. The best estimation is that sets should ship in 2–3 weeks.”
Pirates of Venus: The Illustrators Edition
You are invited to preorder this very special curated edition of Pirates of Venus—the first book in the Amtor series by Edgar Rice Burroughs. The book features over 100 illustrations by an dazzling array of ERB artists including Gary Gianni, William Stout, Michael Kaluta, Richard Hescox, Thomas Yeates, Mark Schultz, Daren Bader, Doug Klauba, Laurence Schwinger, Mark Wheatley, and Thomas Grindberg. In addition, it includes all sixteen of the illustrations by Fortunino Matania for Pirates of Venus originally published in The Passing Show in 1933 as well as classic illustrations by J. Allen St. John, Samuel Cahan, Paul Stahr, Roy Krenkel, Frank Frazetta, Jeffrey Catherine Jones, Reed Crandall, and Al Williamson. The book is printed on archival paper, Symth-sewn with 20+ color plates tipped in, bound in a leather cover, double stamped in gold, and wrapped in an original dust jacket. The set is housed, with a collector’s portfolio and other bonus items, in a decorated and illustrated leather clamshell case.
The vintage-style collector’s portfolio contains a carefully selected archive of rare items related to the creation and publication of Pirates of Venus. These include replicas of letters from ERB to his son with early ideas for Amtor, outlines and drawings from the author’s notebook, manuscript pages, 1930’s ERB Inc. postcard and advertising dust jacket , first newspaper installment of Pirates of Venus in the Honolulu Star Bulletin from 1935, first pages of an unpublished Carson of Venus story, poster size reproductions of artwork, and a number of other surprise bonus items.
The edition will be limited to 548 numbered and 52 lettered sets signed by the contributors. It is the fifth matching set in the “New World” series launched by ERB Books in 2020 with A Princess of Mars. Each set celebrates the first appearance of one of ERB’s newly created realms filled with fantastic kingdoms, cultures and creatures.
Prices have not increased for this edition:
The numbered edition (#1-548) ……………. $349.99
The Lettered Edition (A-ZZ) …………………… $449.99 (all sets are reserved – contact info@erbbooks to be placed on a waiting list.)
Payment plans available – contact info@erbbooks
Those who ordered The Moon Maid: The Centennial Edition will receive the same number/letter set for Pirates of Venus: The Illustrators Edition. Please confirm your set number when you order.
International orders can now be made through ERB Books’ website.
Preorder Pirates of Venus: The Illustrators Edition today from our friends at ERB Books!
Upcoming Events
Los Angeles Vintage Paperback Collectors Show – Sunday, March 24, 2025
Once again we are returning to the L.A. Vintage Collector’s Paperback Show in Glendale, CA! Stop by and say “Kaor!” to our team, and check out our selection of ERB books and t-shirts for sale! The show runs from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
WonderCon – March 28–30, 2025
If you’re in the Southern California area, come join the ERB, Inc., team at WonderCon in Anaheim, CA, for a celebration of 150 years of Edgar Rice Burroughs! We will be at booth #1119 with a bounty of Tarzan, John Carter, and ERB Universe books, t-shirts, and other merchandise, and please stop by our panel at 1:00 P.M. in Room 211.
Tarzan’s Creator Celebrates 150 Years
SATURDAY, 1:00 – 2:00 P.M.
Room 211
Tarzan’s Creator Celebrates 150 Years! A century and a half ago, a man was born who changed the face of popular culture, writing some of the most iconic and bestselling books of the twentieth century and spawning a multimedia franchise that has endured to this day—Edgar Rice Burroughs, creator of Tarzan of the Apes and John Carter of Mars! Join the team at Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.—James Sullos (President), Cathy Wilbanks (VP of Pperations), and Christopher Paul Carey (VP of Publishing)—who will discuss this monumental milestone as well as announce the next wave of forthcoming Edgar Rice Burroughs projects. Wolf Larson—writer, producer, former Tarzan TV star, and now head of ERB Entertainment—will also be on hand to discuss the company’s new entertainment division, including an ERB Universe animated TV series in development and other exciting prospects for both both the big and small screens!
© Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Trademarks Carson of Venus®, Amtor™, Tarzan®, Tarzan of the Apes®, John Carter®, John Carter of Mars®, A Princess of Mars®, The Moon Maid™, Edgar Rice Burroughs®, and Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe™ Owned by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Associated logos, characters, names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks or registered trademarks of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Used by Permission.